Chapter 2

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It's been a week since I've been assigned to tutor Nate. I didn't see him much after his intruding my class. We have calculus on Wednesdays and Fridays, and he didn't show up to class on Friday or today (Wednesday). 

I have this nagging feeling of guilt because our teacher thanked me after class for taking this task, and all I did was smile and nod when I haven't really done anything. 

When I see Samantha waiting for me by my locker, I tell her that i won't be going to lunch right away because I have something to do. 

"So it's true then," she says in a clipped tone, obviously upset with me.

"What is?" her tone took me by surprise.

"You're acting shady. You never miss lunch with me and now you 'have something to do.' You're dating Nate Donavan." 

I stare blankly at her, "what?!" 

"The whole school was talking about it. I was waiting for you to tell me yourself but you haven't. Is it because I told you I had a crush on him?" Her hurt expression softens my anger at these absurd allegations. 

"No, Sam, that's not why. I'm not dating him or anyone and if I was, you'd be the first to know, okay?" I say, feeling irked that I have to explain such a trivial thing. 

"So he didn't sit in English Lit just to talk to you when he doesn't even take that class?" studying me suspiciously. 

"Well, no, actually that did happen. He came to thank me for volunteering to tutor him in calc. That's all," I shrug, hoping this will end the conversation. 

"that's all," Samantha mimics me mockingly, "the hottest guy in school went out of his way to talk to me, that's all. No biggie. No need to tell my best friend this. I'll just keep it to myself." Samantha continues to mock. 

"Ok, I get it."  (I don't really). "I'm sorry. Can I go now? I actually have to go find him to make arrangements for our study sessions since we haven't even started yet." 

"Oh. My. GOD! That's where you were going? And you're only telling me now?! You're hopeless. It's hopeless." She says, putting her hands up in frustration. 

"What now? Did you want an invitation?" 

"YES. Isn't he normally at practice right now? You're going to the basketball court?"

"I guess, if that's where he is."

"I'M COMING WITH," She loops her arm through mine and practically drags me in the direction of the basketball court. 


The boys are in the middle of a practice game when we arrive, so we decide to sit and watch for a bit until they finish. Well, Samantha decides that we sit and watch. I was willing to come back in a few minutes so we could have a peaceful lunch. So we compromised and sat and watched. 

Anyone could tell that Nate was the strongest player, even if you knew nothing about basketball like me. Mason and Eric are probably second best, judging by the number of goals they scored. 

Samantha whoops and claps when Nate gets in another goal. Her sounds draw his attention toward us and when he notices, he smiles and waves. Samantha, obviously excited by his attention, frantically waves back and yells "Go Champions!" 

She nudges me in the rib with her elbow but stops when she realizes Nate called for a timeout and is heading straight toward us. 

A group of girls sitting  in the aisles ahead of us reach out to touch him as he walks up and offer him water, but he refuses politely and reaches us still panting and sweating from the game. 

"Hey," he says smiling. 

Hey? You're skipping sessions and you're saying Hey?

"Mr Higgins has been asking me about your progress but we haven't been doing our sessions," I say blankly, trying not to waste any time since I can feel everyone in the court starting in our direction, which is probably an exaggeration but it's making me nervous nonetheless. 

"Were we supposed to start right away? We have a big game this weekend, I thought we could start after that. Or whenever you're ready. I wasn't sure if you were ready." He says, looking nervous himself. 

I guess he's not all that happy about being tutored. I look away when I answer because having his full attention is making me even more anxious. 

"Well, we also have a test coming up and Mr. Higgins is expecting improvement," I say, and brave looking directly at his face again because I don't want to seem that awkward, "so, yes, we need to start." 

"Yeah. Of course. My place or your place?" 

"The library. Friday after school works best for me." 

"Uh, yeah," Nate replies, "great. See you then..." 

I nod and turn to leave with Samantha, who is ogling Nate without shame. I could practically see the drool coming out of her mouth. 

"I'll see you later, Nate!" Samantha says as I pull her away so we'd have some lunch time left. 

At the exit, I turn to look down at the game, only to be surprised that Nate was still standing there, watching us leave. Something in my chest constricts. 

Don't be ridiculous. I chastise myself. He's just a boy. 

But he's not just a boy. He's captain of the basketball team. 

And the boy everybody wants.

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