Tenth Encounter

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Malachi took his hand, and they were whisked away to a frosty field. Running beside it was a set of old train tracks, but all was peaceful with little red birds chirping and hopping about looking for food.

"Where are we?"

"The site of a great battle that happened about 80 years ago. A train filled with people were destined to crash and became a territory dispute between heaven and hell."

Malachi came up behind Salazar, put his hand over the demon's forehead, and everything changed.

The frosty ground morphed into a green field of flowers, and the rusty tracks became shiny, though well used. Salazar could feel the sun shining down on him, and turned to look at the angel behind him. Malachi's eyes were glowing with a blue light, but before the demon could ask what was going on, the angel just smiled and said, "Watch."

The ground around the tracks began to fill with creatures of both the light, and darkness, and they faced each other with the train tracks as a boundary line separating the two angry groups. The two species always fought over the souls of humanity, but when groups of people were lost, both sides knew that there were too few angels to save them all. The angels were also bound by God's law of no interference, which the demons also knew full well.

The dark creatures had sent a group of their own to cause the wreck which was about to happen, and among them was a young demon burdened with watching out for his younger brother. He had been told to stay home, but hadn't listened, and followed. He had better things to do than to watch over his stupid sibling, so left him alone on the train as he tagged along with the older demons.

With nothing to do, the baby demon wandered, and eventually found a boy about five years old to play with. While the evil deeds going on near him were about to cause the death of everyone around him, the baby demon played on without the burden of knowledge of the upcoming tragedy to deter his fun.

The screeching sound of metal brought his awareness back, and he sensed the incoming horror. His last thought before the wreck, was to save his new friend, and wrapped his body and small power around him.

Salazar watched as the field became engulfed in battle, the angels trying to save as many as they could and fighting for those that had been taken. Every angel available at the time had been called, including a young angel with blonde hair, and blue eyes that went by the name of Mazriel. Mazriel had been told to stay out of the fight, just to rescue as many people as he could. His job was to find those that survived, and drag them from the wreckage. He searched and searched, but only one heartbeat could be heard. He dug through metal to try and get to the living soul before it perished or was ripped from its host by a demon, but what he found when he got to it, was unexpected.

At first the angel thought the baby demon was trying to attack the small child, but upon closer inspection he noticed a bubble of metal that had bent around them, as if the impact had driven it into an invisible wall. The baby demon was unconscious, but the human child looked up at Mazriel with clear blue eyes and smiled.

The demon held onto the child, even in his sleep, so Mazriel picked them both up and began to walk away, but the baby's sibling found them at the edge of the battle, and demanded the human's soul. The baby had then woken up to the sounds of his brother's shouting, and called out to him. The brother told him to bring him the human's soul, but the baby refused, saying he was his friend, and said not to hurt him. Enraged, the brother lashed out at his younger sibling, but Mazriel turned his back to the demon to shelter the young ones, and cried out as his back was slashed by the claws of a demon.

A Demon's Fall to GraceWhere stories live. Discover now