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I watched cherish walk to the bar exit.
I nodded my head at Easy to go with her.
"So you and Deon gay" I said shaking my head.
One of my worries was cherish going back to that Nigga, but now i know after what she heard its a done deal between them.
"Look I see you care about her so can you keep her safe" he asked
"I'm going to always keep her safe no worries about that" I told him throwing my shot back.
"Deon kept telling me he was going to leave Cherish and be with me.
I told him if he didn't tell her about us i would.
That's when the threats started.
He kept saying he was going to kill me and Cherish if I said anything to her, but at the time I didn't believe him" he said blowing out a breath.
"I don't believe him that Nigga real scarey" I said shaking my head.
"So what he beat you up too" I asked.
"Yes him and this girl he is fucking with now that's what I want to tell you" he paused.
I sat there In silence waiting for him to countine.
"This girl got it out bad for you I think she the one that robbed your trap house this morning" he said shocking the hell out of me.
"What girl" I asked
"I don't know her name but they jumped me at my house and took me with them.
They where looking for you and cherish" he said staring at me.
"How did this bitch look" I asked already knowing the answer to my question.
"She is like cherish height, light skin with reddish hair and her face was all fucked up like somebody beat the hell out of her" he paused and his eyes got big.
"O.M.G It's that girl from the club Cherish beat up.
I was wondering why she looked so familiar" he said hitting his self up side the head.
I sat back in my seat and instantly thought to murder this bitch and Deon.
"How you get away from them they just let you go" I asked
"No they was fucking and i climbed out the back window.
I'm scared they going to try and kill me KB" he said crying
"I know Cherish mad at you, but she wouldn't want you dead. Y'all just need to sit down and talk" I told him
"She is never going to forgive me" he said sounding sad.
"Yes she will don't worry about it. Come on I'll put you in the guest house with Erica". I said getting up
"Thank you KB" he said getting up giving me a hug.
"OK now this hug too long.
I don't swing that way Nigga" I smirked at him.
He laughed at me and hit me in the shoulders.
"Naw I wouldn't make that mistake again" he laughed.
When we got outside Easy was sitting on the hood smoking.
"Where she at" I asked.
"In the back seat I think she cried her self to sleep" he said jumping off the hood.
"You drive and chase get in the passenger seat.
Y'all give me a second let me butter her up so she don't flip out" I told them jumping in the back with Cherish.
When I got in she open her eyes.
They where all red and puffy.
I hate seeing her like this.
"Come here baby" I said patting my leg.
She came over and laid her head in my lap looking up at me.
"You and chase need to sit down and have a heart to heart" I told her.
I could see the tears in her eyes as she shook her head no.
"Look baby y'all are friends don't let a nigga that wasn't even made for you break that up" I said kissing her lips.
"You don't need to worry about nun of that shit I got you" I kissed her lips again.
"Ok Kaiden I will talk to him" she said smiling at me.
"Good cause he coming with us to the house. I will let him explain everything." I told her.
I open the door and told them to come on.
That was easier than I thought she must be really feeling a Nigga.
I was just staring at her fine ass her eyes were closed.
Could a Nigga be falling in love?
"KB" Easy said getting my attention.
"Wassup" I looked up at him.
"We being followed" he said.
I turned around and seen a red Chrysler behind us.
"Turn right" I told Easy still looking at the car.
It turned when we did.
I reached under the driver seat and grabbed my gun taking off the saftey.
"Turn right again, but slowly" I told him.
"Baby sit up real quick" I shook Cherish waking her up.
"What you bout to do bro" Easy asked me.
"Shoot first ask questions later"
I told him.
As soon as he hit the corner real slow like I told him I hoped out busting at the car.
"Kaiden!" Cherish screamed.
I walked straight up to the car all you could hear was the gun shots going off.
The car went in reverse speeding back down the street.
I ran back and jumped in the car.
"Who was that" Easy asked.
"I don't know but hurry up and get to the house" I said

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