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I Sat on the beach soaking in the Florida weather.
The sun was out and you could hear nothing but the waves hitting the shore.
"Mommy mommy" my daughter ran to me with her green eyes full of joy.
I open my arms as she jumped in to them.
"What's wrong baby" I said pushing her hair behind her ears.
"Daddy trying to dunk me in the water" she giggled
I looked up and seen Kaiden coming out the water.
His dreads where soaking wet dripping down his body as he walked our way.
I licked my lips while looking at his perfectly printed dick in his swim trunks.
He leaned down and kissed my lips while tickling our daughter.
"Stop daddy" she giggled.
"Cherish" Kaiden said
"Cherish" I heard a female voice.
"Girl wake your ass up"
I opened my eyes and looked at Erica sitting next to me on the bed.
"Damn girl who you dreaming about Chris brown" she said laughing.
I pulled the sheet over my body and stretched my arms.
"What time is it" I asked Erica
"7:30" She said jumping up from the bed.
"Where is Kaiden" I yawned
"They went to go handle some business, but I need a partner in crime" Erica said.
I finally took a moment to check her out she had on all black and some combat boots with a black hat on her head.
"Who in the hell you trying to go kill" I asked.
"Nobody I just want to go fuck some shit up" she said blowing out a frustrated breath.
I know Erica was beyond hurt it is fucked up how everybody expect her to just deal with this shit.
"I'm in" I said standing up with the sheet around me.
She jumped up and clapped her hands
"Yayyy" she excitedly yelled
"I'm bout to take a shower real quick though" I told her walking to the bathroom
"Yes bitch wash all of KB nut off you" she said causing me to laugh and blush.
I took me a good shower and searched through my bag for my own criminal out fit.
When I finished getting dressed Erica was sitting on the bed waiting.
"So what we going to do" I asked sitting next to her.
She stood up and grabbed a bat.
"We just going to have a little fun while taking out some frustrations" she said while swinging the bat.
"We not going to hurt anyone right" I asked
"No of course not just some feelings" she said walking out
I stood up from the bed following her out the room.
Mama lucy was in the kitchen cooking and boy did it smell good.
"Hey girls I'm just making some enchiladas y'all want some" she asked as we walked by.
Erica kept walking to the door completely ignoring her.
"Yes I want some" I told her
She smiled a little at me and continued what she was doing.
I hurried out the front door after Erica.
She jumped in one of kaidens cars in the garage.
"Where we going" I said getting in the passenger seat.
"To my old house real quick" she said pushing the garage opener and taking off.
When we pulled up to Erica house it was like outbof a magazine.
"Exactly how much money do they make" I asked her as she pulled around her drive way parking by the front door.
"A lot but we try not to be to flashy until they find some way to make it legit" she told me geting out the car.
"Well this house is flashy if you ask me" I said getting out the car.
"Easy had it built from the ground up when I got pregnant" she said opening the front door.
When we walked in you could see toys in the living room.
She walked to the hall closet grabing a bag.
I followed her to a spider man theme room.
"Im just bout to pack Jr stuff right quick" she said throwing clothes in the bag.
I sat down on Jr bed thinking about Kaiden I wonder what he doing.
That dream was perfect I hope it becomes reality.
When I looked up Erica was walking past Jr room sprinkling a liquid every where.
I got up to see what she was doing when the strong smell of gasoline hit me.
"ERICA!" I yelled
When I got to the front of the house the smell was much stronger.
"Here" she said walking up to me with a baseball bat.
She had one in her hand and before I knew it she swung it through the dinning room glass table.
"IS YOU CRAZY!" I screamed at her
"Everything that happen today don't you want to let off some of that pressure" she asked
"By doing what breaking your shit and burning down your house" I said.
This shit here just wasn't making any since to me.
Kaiden told me she was crazy I thought he was just being dramatic.
"No not my house its his and that bitch of a mother in law of yours". She cried swinging the bat at the China cabinet causing glass to fly every where.
"I over heard them talking about moving me to an apartment across town with my son fuck that" she said tears pouring from her eyes.
She started walking back and forward looking like a crazy person.
"How many times deon played you cherish huh?" She question me.
"A lot" I said.
She stoped pacing and walked over to me.
She held the bat up in my hands "Think about every fucking time a bitch came up to you saying she fucked your Nigga, all the lies and the mistreat" she said amping me up now I get it.
I swung the bat hitting a huge mirror that was on the wall.
Oh my god that did feel good.
We went around the house breaking shit and laughing like it was just normal.
I don't think Erica is crazy.
Easy just made her this way.
We sat in the living room breathing all hard like we just ran a marathon.
Then all of a sudden reality set in for me.
"Easy is going to fucking kill us" I said standing up.
"Fuck Easy and I'll take the blame" she said standing up and giving me a hug.
"You know you my best friend now right" she said pulling back and giggling.
"Yea we better be I ain't never did no crazy shit like this" I said shaking my head.
"Come on cherish its time for the grand exit" she said pulling a match out her pocket.
We walked outside jumping in the car as the house lit up in flames.

cherish your heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora