*insert victory look here*

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Ok so we have pe this week (and next week and the week after that)
And we played
Capture the flag.
So I was on the yellow team staring my friend Lela (Layla is how its pronounced) down (she was on the other team) and Cody B walked up to her and said "just go already! She'll be easy to get past!!" And when he ran past, I tagged him.
And I tagged our Coah's shirt (cant spell his name but he's the blonde one for those who know who im talking about) so I guess I tagged him? I mean he's pretty fast. He won 1st place in all of his years in Track ( I know this cause he used to do track with Jame Jame (Jamie))
And afterwards I asked Cody one more time "Was I easy to get past?" And he said "no"
"Thats all I wanted to hear!!!" And then Angel walked towards break .-.

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