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She looked over one of her best friend's, Althea, shoulder. Words were written on the page. "Who told you these things?" She demanded, extremely angry. "Everyone." Althea said simply. She snatched the paper from Althea, and started writing things. Things like "Dont listen to those mother fuckers." And "tell those people 'Fuck You' for me." "Love ya, gonna miss ya! ❤️ ~Angel (censored)". Althea looked at her, probably shocked.
"Im gonna cut myself!" Althea said, with a small smile. She took out a highlighter and started marking places on her wrist "right here!" Angel clung to her, whimpering like a lost puppy. "Please dont."
But no matter what, Althea never said she wouldn't.
"IF YOU CUT THEN I CUT!" Angel said at last, outraged "please dont." Althea said. "How do you know If I haven't already been cutting? That I haven't cut before?!" Angel said, snapping. She didnt mean too, but she did. Before the pep-rally was over, she clung to Althea's arm again, whimpering for her not to. When Althea didnt give up, Angel started singing "dont you dare forget the sun." To stop herself from crying. Ivy soon joined in, the two not caring that different songs were playing as they sang softly. Im gonna need to cuddle with something Angel thought.
After the pep-rally, Angel sped-walked to the car rider area, after having to be pulled back by Ryann so she could catch up to Angel. Now, Angel sits in her room, writing to her online friends what happened.....
I wish it didnt though... I wish she never said that.... She's moving away in 4 days.... And she says this.... Heh...... I share this with yall so you know why I suddenly get depressed or something. ........ Love ya guys (as friends) and no, im not afraid to admit I did put "fuck" and "fucker" on the paper. It was to try and cheer Althea up.

You look down on me, so casually in everything I know. You look down on me but not right on me

Dear diary,
          Life is trying me. Can I get a sign? Or a two of mind. A piece of mind? 
Oh can I get a sign?! Oh can I get a sign...
Well I know
Well I know you're laying back, contemplating your own death. Well just look at what you've done.

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