Amazing artist!

17 3 3

Althea (or Athea idk) drew all of these!

Althea (or Athea idk) drew all of these!

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I i2 Tem!
Hooman... Such a.. COTE!
(Translation: hi! Im tem! Humans are so cute!)
Where my muns at?

 COTE! (Translation: hi! Im tem! Humans are so cute!) Where my muns at?

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(Mute/blind human)
*youre filled with DETERMINATION

(Omg :D) (#Sathea) Sup, kiddo

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(Omg :D) (#Sathea)
Sup, kiddo. Want a hotdog? Its only 10g. Im sans. Sans the skeleton.
You'll be dead where you stand
Gee.. You like swinging your knife a lot, huh?
I've got a "ton" of work today, a skele-"ton".

 You like swinging your knife a lot, huh? I've got a "ton" of work today, a skele-"ton"

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"Welcome home, my child!"
"In sorry."
"I'll do something. Wait here."
*Toriel encounters you!

" *Toriel encounters you!

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Oh.. Im sorry for being in your way.. I'll just walk away.. Wait.. Ghosts fly.
"Special" cousin of MTT
Oh? Hehehe
*you cheer Napstablook up.

THIS GIRL IS FREAKING TALENTED!!! (She let me keep these XD none of these are mine!) when I put (#Sathea), that was my own words XD I ship it. She's really good at drawing!

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