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Ivy came up to me at track today and said that Dylan got a note saying that someone was threatening them. Full sentence
"I'll kill Ivy and Althea" it said Althea's first name so yeah.
But I was FREAKING OUT because someone was threatening two of my best friends. Me and Emme told our teacher and my mom says that if they dont pull me and Emme to the office to question us about it tomorrow, I forgot what she said she was gonna do but its something bad or somethin.
But while thinking of this, I randomly thought "MOMMA SAID KNOCK YOU OUT, SO IM GONNA KNOCK YOU OUT!" And I will
Go JTK on the person's face
Break their face
And then punch their face
So yeah they're gonna have a B A D T I M E
And no one and I repeat NO ONE has seen true hell until they mess with my friends, even as a prank.
A lot of people think its ivy, including Emme, but I know she knows how serious these things are and she's to innocent to do some thing like this
But if it really is her, I wont speak to her for a couple of weeks (got that CloudKooKooLand ???)

Thanks again for listening to my crappy life :,)

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