Ive had enough

21 5 7

Me: *slams door*
DJ: *sighs* *text-*
DJ= DJ chocolatePrincess= Chara MusicCat= Angel
DJ: what happened this time?
MusicCat: I've had enough, thats what
ChocolatePrincess: of what?
ChocolatePrincess: ooooh
DJ: what?
DJ: ok that is going a little too far....
MusicCat: its in every. Single. Zodiac. Book.
DJ: .-.
ChocolatePrincess: thats fricked up
MusicCat: every. Single. One. Its either Scorpio dates everyone on a squad, including themselves; if Scorpio was a ghost they'd do this and watch people ;-; (RY I HOPE YOURE HAPPY I USED THIS SO ONLY YOU COULD GET IT XD)
DJ: .-. Why do you read them?
MusicCat: I like seeing the scenarios until it starts talking about scorpios being evil. One thing said who will each sign fight and then it said "Scorpio: God" and I flipped my crap in those comments. I hate how everyone sees Scorpios as evil little demons who only sin and believe in themselves.
ChocolatePrincess: ... Can you come out of your room?
MusicCat: nope, not feeling up to it today.

DJ: *stops texting and turns up one of Angel's fav songs*
Me: *breaks down door and jumps on him* YOU DID IT AGAIN DANG IT.
Chara: XD works every time

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