The plan (19)

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Y/n pov

"FRISK, CHARA HURRY UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!!" I pushed Frisk and Chara off my bed because I woke up at 7:30!! "OWW! THE HEL-"SHUT YUP CHARA! FRISK GET DRESSED!" Today I'm not in the mood for Chara and her complains. "CHARA GET DRESSED PLEASE!" "OK OK JEEZ!" I grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom.

Chara pov

"*Sigh* he/she is going to kill me one day....." I got up from the floor and noticed a bathroom in Y/n room "why..didn't Y/n....go to this bathroom.. whatever" I mumbled under my breath. Grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste i walked to the bathroom in Y/n room, opening the door I blushed a bright red "C-CHARA!? GET OUT!" "S-SORRY!!" I slammed the door and turned around 'omg.....I just saw Frisk body...naked...fuck what is wrong with this day..' I thought.

Y/n pov

"There! All dressed!......I feel like I'm missing something or someo-ASRIEL!!" I dashed out of the bathroom and went in my room seeing Chara there not dressed "WHY AREN'T YOU FUCKEN-"I SAW FRISK IN THE BATHROOM NAKED!"
The room fell silent. "Ok..then...oh! Chara did you see an air horn around here somewhere?" "Oh yea here" Chara walked up to me and gave me the air horn "thanks Chara!" I hugged her then went to Asriel room.

Frisk pov

" least I'm dressed!..." I sighed and sat on the toilet seat "...omg why didn't Chara knock first.... doesn't matter right now I have to go to school!".

Y/n pov

"Aww Asriel is so cute when he's sleeping!... time for the air horn" I covered my ears and pull the trigger!


. Nothing happened...

"Aww man...this air horn is worn out....oh! I know..." I crawled on Asriel bed and went on top of him, then a black gooey substance came out of my eyes and mouth "hey azzy...wake up..." "I told you not to call me- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! MOMMY!" Asriel jumped out of his bed and went to Toriel and Asgor room. I blinked a couple of times and the gooey stuff disappeared "well thats taken care of....wait...dose that mean I can..." I blinked and my right eye turned f/c making me left up myself. "YESSSSSSSSS! I CAN FLY...oh no....." since I was to excited my eye turned back to normal making me fall on the floor followed by a thud "OWWWWWW I HURTS LIKE SHIT!!" I yelled making Frisk come to the rescue. ' Y/n! Are you ok?' "Frisk I know you can talk" "....I know...but still! Are you ok?" "Ya! Just.... testing my powers....." Frisk kneeled down to me and patted my head making me get up from the floor. "Come on Y/n! Let's go to school!" "Ya..ok.."

*Timeskip because of candy*

It was last period of school and this period I have now is science! Usually I listen to the teacher but I'm just farm tired  "ok class so all of you must know about the barrier! So you must be wondering 'how would you break the barrier?' today I'm going to tell you!" Now this made snap out of my thoughts and think about it 'maybe now...I can free the monsters.... forever!' so I grabbed a piece of lined paper and started writing what the monster lady was saying. "In order to break the barrier you need a monster to absorb a human soul! Making it into a god like being, the monster needs to have known you and gained your trust!" I wrote all of this down and thought again.....' who is a monster that trust me, and known me.....Asriel...'


"Ok! Class dismissed!" I grabbed all of my stuff and stuffed it in my bag.

*Timeskip to home because I can*

I and dropped my bag on the floor running up to Asriel room "Asriel! You in there I ask opening his room door, seeing him on the floor "oh! howdy
Y/n! What do you need?" I went up to him and put my hands on his shoulders with a huge smile on my face "I know how to free all the monsters!" "REALLY HOW-"SHHH! keep it down....we don't want them to hear the plan right?" "Right".  Sitting down beside Asriel I told him about the plan and the best part about absorbing a human soul "umm...Y/n?" "Yes?" "..... who's I going to absorb..." this made him shiver a bit thinking about it  ".......mine....." "W-WHAT!? NO!" Asriel gave a  worried face "don't worry I'll me fine! Then we just need to get 7 souls after! Then I'm sure we will separate from the god like being your going to be, easy!" "O-ok! I trust you". Asriel gave me his trusting smile "ok...then it's settled.." I teleported out of his room to the living room grabbing my bag then teleported back to Asriel room sitting beside him again " to the tricky part..." I went in my bag and pulled out a buttercup flower. "Hey Asriel.." "yea?" I smirked but Asriel didn't see "want to make a pie for dad?"





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