Lucky Charms

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I'm so stupid to even think that it was real. Like I'm a complete idiot. I just broke up with Brooks Why would he kiss me?

Why would he ever kiss me again.


Ugh school. I didn't want to go to school at all. It means I would have to see the guy who almost raped me Jax and Brooks.

I looked down at my phone and I had a bunch of texts from Griffin asking if I'm okay and stuff.

I finally replied back saying "I guess."

No I'm not ok was the real answer.

I got to school and immediately saw Brooks. Great. I tried to walk past him as fast as I could so he wouldn't see me or say anything. But that backfired cause he saw me.

"Nicole hey wait I want to talk to you." He said stopping me.

"I don't want to talk Brooks."

"Please let me explain I don't love Nina anymore I love you."

I ignored him and just walked away. He is lying to me I know he is. He still loves her.


"Give it back Axel." I shouted into axels ear.

"Give what back Princess?"

"My phone give It back."


"Please come on I have to call my mom back."

"Ok I'll give it back if you give me something in return." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Um ew no." I said.

"Not like that I just want a kiss."

"Ok." I said as I kissed him on the cheek.

"No on the lips."

"No thanks." I said as I took my phone out of his hands cause his grip on it was loosened.

I then walked to my locker to find Griffin standing there.

"Hey are you ok?" He immediately said as I walked up to him.

"I'm fine thanks again for what you did."

"No problem but did you see jax's face it's so messed up I beat him real bad."

"I know you did." I said.

"He deserved it." Griffin said.


"Did you want to hang out today after school?" Griffin asked.

"Yeah sure wanna come over my house?"

"Yeah." He said smiling.


Griffin: Be at your house soon

Me: Ok

I then put my phone in my bag as I continued to walk home. I felt the icy cold air on my face it felt so good. It's been really warm recently and it's November it should be cold.

"Hey." Someone said from behind me that caused me to jump and turn around to see who it was.

It was Jax.

What the hell was he doing anywhere near me?

I stood there silent until he began to speak again.

"You don't have to say anything I just came here to apologize. That was so messed up what I did and deserved to get beat up by Griffin. I'm just so sorry you don't have to accept my apology I just needed to tell you how sorry I truly am."

I then examined his face he had cuts below his lip and bruises all over his face. He had a black eye and more cuts above his eyebrows. Dam Griffin beat him up bad.

"Well thanks for coming and apologizing but I sure as hell don't accept it."

"I understand." He said then walked away.

I then approached my house and walked in and plopped myself on the couch and turned on the t.v. while I waited for Griffin.

Then Griffin finally got here and sat himself down on the couch next to me.


"Hey." I said back as we were staring into each other's eyes.

He was wearing a navy blue shirt with a black jacket. His hair dirty blonde hair was slightly messy but sat on his head perfectly.

"Dam it's hot in here." He said as he took off his jacket.

"I'm gonna go get some cereal."

"K I'm gonna put in your favorite movie you know since your birthday is tomorrow."

"Thanks Nic."

"I know you may have planned something for your birthday already but I was wondering if you and me could go on a little trip tomorrow to Ohio to see Vince."

"Oh my god yes Nicole I've been wanting to visit him for so long but I don't have money for a plane ticket." He said as he sat back down with his bowl of cereal.

"Don't worry I'm paying it will be your birthday gift."

"No way I'm a gentleman the guy always pays."

"This isn't a date Griffin and it's your birthday I'm paying."

"Ugh fine but I'm paying for everything else."

"Whatever you say Finn."

"Finn?" He said confused.

"What I can't give you a nickname? Your name is to long."

"Alright whatever I actually kinda like it but I wanna give you a new nickname."

"You already call me Nic."

"I wanna call you something different... Hmm... how about Lucky Charms."

"What? Lucky Charms?"

"Yeah cause your sweet and you smell like lucky charms."

I smiled at this and let out a soft giggle. "Awe how sweet."


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