Happy But Sad Times

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That night was amazing I had woken up the next morning with a big smile on my face happier then ever. Brooks completely took my mind of Jax and I needed that.

I then got ready for school. Thank god it's Friday. School has been such a pain lately.

I walked to school by myself until I caught up with Vince.

"Hey." I said catching his attention causing him to turn around.

"Hey Nic."

"I haven't talked to you in a while did you hear about Emiffin?" I said.

"Yes." He said smiling.

"There perfect together." I said.

"You sure about that?" He said. I then gave him a confused look.

"I know about your previous feelings with Griffin are you sure your not a little jealous you know especially since it's your best friend."

"No I don't know why you would even say that you know me and Brooks are kinda back togetherish."

"Ah so Bricole is back?"

"I guess." I said as I let out a giggle.

We then got to the school and I walked in to see him.

Monty Ramon.

He was back at school. He was in his permanent wheelchair rolling around the halls. I almost started crying at the site of him. It was so hard to look at him knowing I did that to him. I knew I had to talk to him I had to say something.

"Monty?" I said walking up to him.

"Hey Nicole."

"Monty it's so hard to see you like this you don't know how terrible I feel...." I then was interrupted by a tall guy with brown hair and grey eyes.

"Stay away from him I don't want to see you talking to my little brother ever again." The very attractive looking boy said very rudely. Brother? I didn't know Monty had a brother.

"Who are you?" I said as nicely as I could. I was already scared of this boy.

"Axel Ramon I don't want the person who hit my brother with a car and almost killed him anywhere near him."

"Oh ok well sorry I understand." I said walking away.

"No wait!!" Monty said rolling quickly to catch up to me.

"I'm so sorry about my brother he can be a jerk sometimes don't listen to him."

"No it's fine Monty if he doesn't want me anywhere near you then I will stay away." I said then walked away. I turned and looked back to see Monty with a very sad look on his face. I felt so terribly bad.


I was walking to lunch and then I saw Vince I then realized I still don't know what his secret thing is that Emily was talking about.  Before Vince could walk into the cafeteria I pulled him aside.

"You never told me what you said you were gonna tell me a couple days ago."

"Oh I was hoping you would forget about that."

"Vince what is it? Tell me right now Vince Kimberly Evans."

"Shh Nicole!! I told you to never say my middle name out loud."

"I know I know I'm sorry Kimberly." I said laughing.

"Shut up now I'm not gonna tell you."

"Yes you are I'm gonna make you." I said.

"Nic it's something really serious."

"Just tell me."

"I'm moving." He said under his breath. But I still heard him.


"I'm moving to Ohio my dad got a new job there that he's gonna make a lot of money at."

"Ohio is in a while different state Vince please you can't do this."
Tears started to form in my eyes.

"You can't leave me." I Said.

"I'm sorry nic this is why I didn't want to tell you. I don't want to leave you either."

"When are you moving?"

"This Sunday we are leaving I'm sorry I told you so late I just couldn't look you in the eyes and say it Your gonna be the hardest to say goodbye to."

My tears poured down my face I was balling my eyes out at this point.

I then jumped into he arms and squeezed him into a very tight hug well I cried into his shirt. He was starting to tear up also.

"Aw come on now you are making me cry." He said.

"Vince please I've known you my whole life."

"I have no choice Nic." He said as he released me from our hug.

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