Griffin Wilmer

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4 Months Later

"Nicole come on."

"I'm not going." I said.

"You have been saying that for months now can you please just come back to school." Brooks said as I felt him staring at my back cause I was lying on my stomach with my face shoved into my pillow.

Me and Brooks are just friends but I finally forgave him and forgot about the past. I don't really have any feelings for him anymore but I think he still has feelings for me. He won't even look at any other girls.

I really haven't been out of the house much in the past 4 months. Emily and Brooks have been coming over a lot lately and it's really nice to have company especially those two. Sometimes Monty and Axel would come over to. Axel is no longer a jerk to me. He actually flirts with me a lot which is weird.

"I guess I'll go." I said lifting myself off of my bed.

"Yay!" He said happily.


I entered the school and all I got was people staring at me. They probably all had so many questions since everyone knows I was the last person with him. They probably all want to know who shot him. But I don't have an answer to that nobody knows who shot him. The people who saw it take place said the guy or girl was wearing a hood and Sun glasses. He or she got away and that's what aggravated me the most.

The pain losing Shannon was absolutely terrible. But the feeling of losing Griffin and Shannon is absolutely unbearable. I'm not gonna lie I've tried to kill myself several times now. I know I have Emily and Brooks still but it's just not the same I still feel completely alone.

Graduation is next week. If I wasn't so dam smart I wouldn't be graduating since I missed so much school. But I had enough credits to graduate already. I can't believe that High school is ending. So much has happened in my senior year. It felt like It was just yesterday that I met Brooks. Or the day I met Monty and we all thought he hit Griffin. But nope that was my brother. Or when Axel hated my guts.

But now it's time for new journeys and I'm soooo happy that me Brooks and Emily all got into Northwood college. I'm really gonna miss Axel and Monty there going to a college in California.

"Nicole!" Emily said from behind me as she wrapped me in a hug.

"Hey Em."

"I'm so happy your back at school I'm guessing brooks convinced you." She said winking.

"Would you stop Emily me and Brooks are never gonna happen again." I said.

"Never say never." Brooks said from behind me as Emily started to say awwww.


I then got to the cafeteria and I sat down at our usual table. I was the first one there so I took out my lunch and started eating.

"Um... Hi may I sit here?" Brooks asked. I was very confused for a second but then I realized what he was doing.

"Sure I guess." I said glancing down at his lunch tray that had corn on it as I smiled.

"Is something wrong?" Brooks asked.

"Yes but I don't want to bother you with my problems."

"Oh uh I'm Brooks."

"I'm Nicole."

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