It Was All My Fault

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I woke up in a hospital bed.

There was a doctor in my room. I felt the need to ask her what happened but I knew what happened I had hit another car so hard cause I was going so fast I ended up In here. I thought it was just me and the doctor in here until I looked to my left.


"What are you doing here?" I asked as I turned my head.

"I heard the crash and ran outside and got into my car and drove to see what it was when I saw it was you I immediately called 911 and followed the ambulance to the hospital will and your parents are on there way."

"Thank you... How long have I been out for?"

"Only like 20 minutes now do you want to tell me why you were driving so fast?"

"I caught Jax sleeping with some girl." 

"Oh I'm sorry." He said actually looking upset. At first I thought he just felt bad for me but then he looked angry.

"How could he cheat on you how could he even have the nerve to cheat on you he does this to every girl but why you. You are the nicest girl in Northwood and that's how he treats you?"

I then grabbed his hand but then felt I jolt of pain shoot up threw my arm.

"Ooh be careful there." The doctor said.

"I'm Doctor Alexander."

"What are my injuries?" I said. I was really worried what if I'm never able to walk again or something terrible like that.

"Your injuries are minor you will be fine you just have a fractured elbow, A minor concussion, and bruised ribs that will heal soon." I was so relieved I'm gonna be okay.

"But as for the other driver not so much." The doctor said looking concerned.

"Who was it?"

"His name is Monty Ramon."

It felt like My entire body just crumbled.

I hit Monty.

"What are his injuries."

"He will never be able to walk again he Is paralyzed from the waist down."

Tears poured down my cheeks. This was all my fault I did this to Monty.


I had gotten into my temporary wheel chair. The doctor said that I only had to be in it for about two weeks until my ribs are healed. I had wheeled myself down to montys room. I couldn't do this. I know I can't. I feel like I can never look Monty in the eyes again.

"Hey Monty." I said as I rolled into his room. I was probably the last person he wanted to hear from right now. I just ruined his life.

"Hey Nicole." He didn't seem to upset. He legs played there completely still in the hospital bed and they would never move again because of me.

"I don't even know what to say Monty this is all my fault."

"Don't blame this all on you Nicole I also wasn't paying attention."

"No this is all my fault your never gonna walk again cause of me."

"Nicole please don't blame this all on yourself."

I walked over to him and bent Down and hugged him and whispered "I'm sorry" in his ear then I left the room.

I'm going to have to live with this guilt for the rest of my life.

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