One step closer

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Heads Up : Hey guys! Before I start the chapter I want to tell you guys to please start voting for me. I'm not going to do what some writters do when they say " If you don't vote I will not post the chapters blah blah. " I honestly just want you guys to vote if you actually like my story so far, even a LITTLE TEEENY TINNYY BIT. But anyways, that's all :/ continue down readers.. *dramatic sigh*

Allie's P.O.V

By the time we got back from the trip to visit the cops who called me for my sister it was 7:45, almost 8 at night. Michelle called and said she was turning in because she was tired. No doubt she would be in Alex's room tonight so Branden said I could stay in his room if I wanted. Which I did accept.

I really wasn't in the mood to walk in on my sister and her pretty much boyfriend macking and touching. So I followed clsoe behind Branden back to his room, the lights in the hallways were dim.

"Well you can take the bed and I'll take the couch." He grabbed blankets from the closet.

I gulped. "Um.. Branden.. " I hesitated. The shuffling around ceased next to me.

"Well.. um I don't want you to sleep uncomfortably so you can share the bed with me. "


"If you want " I added quickly. Oh God rejected by my mate while looking for my long lost sister.

Branden stared at me a minute then laughed. "Okay."

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. "Okay?" My heart beat rapidly in my chest.


"Branden move!"

"No. Not until you answer the question."

"That's too bad I'm not going too."

"Well lucky for you I can wait."

"Branden...please let me take a shower " I smiled up at him.

He seemed lost in space staring at me, then his eyes dropped down to my lips. I wonder..

I licked my lips slowly trying to make it seem natural. Branden gulped.

"Please?" I pouted.

"No thanks. I'm pretty comfortable right now."

"Branden so help me if you do not let me take a freaking shower-

His lips landed down on mine silencing my threat.

"Now you can go." Branden smirked hopping off me into the other part of the hotel suite. "Ass." I muttered.

He should know not to keep me away from waking up when I get woken up early in the first place. It's 8:15 in the morning! As soon as we find my sister, I'm going straight home to my lovely queen sized bed and taking a huge nap. Anybody who disturbs my sleep with be sacrificed to the Demon living inside me.

Yes, fear the blonde as Michelle says.

I took my time in the shower washing my body then my hair, we're just going to breakfast downstairs then back to hunting down my sister's scent.

Branden knocked on the bathroom door probably 5 times before I came out.

"Allie. Next time I shower and use the bathroom first." Branden playfully pushed me out the bathroom then went it closing the door behind him.

"We gotta be downstairs in 15 minutes Branden! "

Branden groaned. I snickered to myself. I had 45 minutes to get ready and he had less than half of that, Ha. Take that Branden for stalling my morning routine.

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