Meet my bloodmate werewolf

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Jessica's P.O.V

My stomach began to hurt probably because I was nervous about meeting Marni and Cayden's parents. I tried multiple times to slow down my heart race but everytime we got closer it would spike up again.

I wonder what his parents would think of me being half werewolf and behing their sons' bloodmate. It still shocks me thinking about it and I just found out. "It shouldn't even be possible.. " I muttered as we reached the bottom stair. Their mom approached us with a dazzling smile. "I hope you two kept the house together. Oh my who's this beautiful girl Cayden?" She asked.

I didn't know what to say about why I was here so I just looked down at the marble floor. "Mother.. Marni and I found her while she was in danger in the forest a few miles from here." he replied givjng my hand a gentle squeeze.

His mom didn't miss the gesture either, in fact she smiled more. "My name is Cameron. What's your name dear?" she said gazing down at me. Stand tall Jessica your strong. I remembered my mom telling me constantly when I was growing up.

I stood up fixing my posture. "Hello. I'm Jessica." I replied giving my best smile. She held out her hand for me to shake and I shook it. Her grip was soft yet a little cold.

It gave me chill bumps on my arms. Cayden was watching us with a thoughtful expression. Marni cleared her throat trying to ease the tension, "Where's dad?" She asked. I threw her a thankful look and she winked.

A man i'm guessing is their dad appeared by the door carrying a few bags and a purse. Cameron walked over and gave her husband a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you for carrying my purse dear. I'll get the maids to carry the bags to our room." She said.

Maids? Who are these people? Their dad dropped the bags by the door before he noticed me.

Cayden was next to me in an instant. "Dad this is Jessica." He said. His dad looked me over then smiled. "Why the poor girl looks terrified." He joked. "I'm Max. Nice to meet you Jessica." He said.

Cameron walked into the kitchen with Max trailing behind her.

Marni's phone rang, "Hey Natasha! No we're not busy today you can come over." She said. Cayden tensed beside me.

"Marni. She can't come over today." Cayden spoke through gritted teeth. Marni smirked. "She deserves to know about your ..bloodmate." She said.

A glass dropped in the kitchen. "Oops.." Marni said grabbing my arm and running upstairs.

I was too afraid to look back but I saw Max leave the kitchen to talk to Cayden. "Whats th- " Marni cut me off putting her hand over my mouth.

"I won't be able to hear if your talking right now." She whispered releasing me. I sighed. This is going to be a long afternoon..

Allie's P.O.V

So I'm comming home to the place where I belong

Daughtry is currently playing on my iPod. I chose to ride with Branden because I felt close to him already. He's supported me since I told him everything else that happened during that phone call that I made sure not to tell Michelle yet.

Turns out that the guy I spoke to wasn't a cop. He was a special type of doctor. I asked him what kind of doctor he was but he said he couldn't tell me if I hadn't shifted yet. I still don't really belive him but i'm not sure what to believe anymore.. Then a thought came to mind.

I took out my phone and searched the word shift. A few scientific definitons came up on google but there was a link with the word werewolf. I frowned clicking on the werewolf shift link.

Let's Start With ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ