Family Ties.

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I was running. Running as fast as I could to get way from them. I could hear their laughter echoing off the walls as I ran faster through multipal alleyways to a safe place.

I had never been so scared in my life father left me. My mother raised me on her own until a few days ago when she was murdered. Tears welled up in my eyes making my vision blurry. Now I had no one to call family. I refused to be sent to a foster care home, even though I'm only 15, so I left.

The day my mother died I came home to her barely breathing. "Jess.. " She called me over to her. I already had tears running down my face. "Mom what's wrong? What happened to you?" I asked searching her eyes.

She coughed closing her eyes. She took my hands in hers and smiled sadly at me. "Baby girl..  you need to run. Just run and don't stop for anything. " I shook my head crying hard. "No mom I won't leave you!" I said.

"Please Jessica. You need to go away before they return. There are people after you Jessica. Bad people. Vampires." she gasped suddently trying to pull something from her pocket with her shaking arm.

Vampires. My mom told me what I was, a half werewolf until I turned at 16. My mom explained to me when I was younger so I knew what they were capable of.

"Mom.." I started to protest but she stopped me. "Honey. Take this paper. The address is where your sister is. I wan't you to run and keep going until you find her." She said giving me the paper with cold hands. I stuffed the folded paper in my pockets.

"Mom I can call for help." I pleaded. She shook her head again. Her heartbeat was slowly stopping.

"Jess..I love you, i will always love you. Now go. I don't want the vampires to come back and find you here.." her voice was fading away. I hugged her one last time before running upstairs to pack everything I could in a duffle bag.

I came back downstairs to find my mother smiling again. "I'm leaving now dear..Be safe and remember you are strong. You will find her sister I just know it. you." She said taking her last breath.

Her hand dropped from my leg onto the carpet. I kissed her on the cheek hugging her dead corpse to me.

I layed her still spreading out her arms and legs so she would have peace. "I will find her mother. I will make sure I get there safely to her. I love you mom."

The flashback brought many more tears to my eyes. I was out of breath from running. One of the vampires saw me leave my house and followed me onto a main street. I got on a bus and the vampire attacked the bus. He began stucking the life out of everyone. I broke a window and climbed out taking off far away from the bus. I guess I got a 30 minute head start because 30 minutes later I started hearing noise. Someone had followed me.

I saw the vampire drop to the ground and start sniffing the air. I hid behind a big bush trying to cover my scent. Just then a hand went over my mouth and everything went black.

I woke up in a bedroom. It had hot pink walls and a silk black bedspread. I tried to sit but I was too tired. I groaned feeling my legs cramp up from running. The door opened. A girl walked in and came to sit next to me. I flinched away from her. I immedietely knew what she was.

A vampire.

She shushed me which made my heart beat crazy in my chest. "P-Please don't hurt me." I whispered trying to back away.

Her eyes looked into mine saddened. "I won't hurt you. I promise." My brother and I found you and brought you here before that vampire could get a hold of you." She said.

I sighed in relief. "Thank you. But I really must be going I need to find to find someone." I tried to sit again but the girl gently pushed me back down on the bed.

"Your welcome but you need to rest. I will make sure you get where you need to go okay?" She said.

I thought for a moment. "Alright.. " I said. "Here." she said handing me bed clothes. "I'll help you change since you look tired. You can shower in the morning. It's a good thing your my size." She said laughing. She had the voice of an angel. She helped me into the pjs and then tucked me in. She wished me goodnight then closed the door quietly.

I fell asleep dreaming of a beach. I was on the beach and I saw my mom. "Mom!" I ran to her hugging her.

She hugged me back. "Jessica honey are you safe?" I nodded crying. "This girl and boy found me and brought me to their home. They are going to help me find my sister." I said. She smiled. "Allie." she said.

I frowned. "What?"

"Allie is your sister's name dear. Now your waking up. I will visit you soon. Stay safe I love you Jessica." She hugged me once more. "But M-

She dissappeared. I woke up with sun in my face from the window. "Oh good your awake!" the girl from yesterday said.

I tried to block out the sunlight from my face with my hand. But the girl just opened more windows in the room.

I glared at the girl and she smiled back at me. "Well since we're going to be getting to know each other i guess i should introduce myself. I'm Marni Steel. My brother is Cayden. You will meet him later before we leave tomorrow morning but don't be offended If he doesn't say much to you. He doesn't really let anyone in."

I nodded taking it all in. I'm really going to be living with two vampires. I just hope Cayden is at least half as nice as Marni.


well there is the newest chapter :D *throws confetti*

i hope you readers enjoyed it as much as I did writting it! well please please please rate.comment.message me

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