It's a girl

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Michelle's P.O.V

Alex basically slept over last night since we spent a few hours talking over what I heard Allie saying on the phone. Right now Alex is sleeping on one side of my king sized bed and im pacing in my room at 7 in the morning. Yeah it must be serious if I'm up at this hour.

I guess I was pacing too hard if that's even possible because Alex woke up. "Elle you need to calm down we're going to figure this out alright?" He said comming behind me rubbing my shoulders gently.

I turned around and sighed into his chest. "I just want to know what is going on so I can help her through this. She was crying last night and I don't even know the whole conversation or anything that happened!" I said rubbing my face in Alex's shirt. God he smelled so good all the time. "Do you wear cologne?" I asked suddently.

Alex looked down at me and raised an eyebrow. "Are you feeling okay Elle?' He asked me seriously.

"I'm just being curious you always smell so...intoxicating and sweet at the same time." I said. He wrapped his arms around me. "Is that a bad thing?" He asked unsure. I leaned in. "No I like it." I said now staring at his lips.

Alex stared at me intently. "Good." He said before his lips were crashing down on my own. Sparks erupted like a active volcanoe all over my body. Tingles everywhere that felt so good. I smiled into the kiss putting my arms all over his chest. He hugged me tighter to his sculpted body running his hands through my hair.

Man I had never been so glad I left my hair down until right now. Alex moaned causing me to blush sucking on his bottom lip asking for entrance. At first he was shocked then he opend his mouth exploring mine. My hand was reaching under his shirt when the door opened.

We pulled apart quickly now looking at Allie. Allie stared back at us her mouth hanging wide open and her eyes bulging out of her head. "Uh.. Goodmorning Allie" I said breaking the awkward silience.

She looked at me then Alex then back to me then at Alex again. Alex was blushing beet red. "Uh hey Allie. Sleep well?" He said. I smacked the back of his head.

Allie frowned then narrowed her eyes at us. "What. Were. You. Doing. Listening. To. My. Phone. Conversation." She said slowly but angry.

I had no answer for snooping around by her door last night. But that was beside the point.

"What happened?" I demanded. Her whole face fell and she closed the door behind her then walked over to my bed and sat down. "I.. I don't know how to tell you this Michie.. " She started already on the brink of tears again.

I took a spot next to her and Alex sat on the other. I pulled her into my arms. "Just tell me everything that you talked about last night. I promise I will listen and hear you out all the way Allie. " I said.

She sighed leaning into me now. "I..I have a little sister." I froze. "Is dad..cheating..?" I whispered harshly.

She shook her head. "No..She was my mother's daughter." She said. "Was?" I asked her.

"My mother was murdered. The person on the phone was one of the cops who found her at her house dead. They said she had a daughter but before they could take her into foster care she just took off."

Alex ran a hand through his hair. "Allie I'm sure sh'e okay. What do you want to do about her now?" He asked her concerned.

She bit her lip then wiped her tears with her hand. "I have to find her. She needs me and she's out there all alone somewhere in that city. I have to go out and look for her."

I smiled at her genuinely. "Let's do it then Allie." Alex stood up abrutply. "Wait a minute you two can't go alone. What if someone is after her?" He said alarmed.

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