Truth is..

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Getting in the car with Alex alone was a distraction but having to sit in the front seat next to him because our luggage was in the back was even more distracting. I felt like someone wasn't telling me something..

"Alex." I said. "Hm?" He replied, eyes on the road.  "Is there something your not telling me?" I asked him seriously.

He seemed to freeze in place. Michelle..what do you mean..? " He said in a hushed tone

"I had a dream.. the night before we left home to move here. There was this wolf who said I was in a pack.. What's a pack anyway?" I asked out of curiousity.

"There is something I wish to tell you isn't the time. When the time comes then I'll tell you." He said glancing over at me.

I sank lower in my seat. I knew something was different with everyone, how close they were and how they always knew what the other was thinking.

The word pack kept appearing in my mind. Pack... Obviously not a pack of something like pack of berries or pack of batteries.. Okay so I'm supposidly in a pack. Pack of what? I though letting my brain wander, I closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

Sorry for the such short chapter but I promise you guys the next one is way longer

Let's Start With ForeverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ