Avatar Arc

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Note: Manga arc contains some spoilers.

Dedicated to my 2 special readers HeartOfNature teenwolf_girl0817

I don't hate the arc  but I mostly don't like it either. Its kinda bland. I mean it is action packed but I feel the arc ended too quickly. I mean the whole guild dispersed and they found everyone real quick.

Plus point got to see a really cool Erza armour. We see the guy Gildarts thrashed in tenrou arc return, only to be beaten by Natsu. He has gotten real strong.

Wendy joined Chelia's guild no surprise there. I think I was shocked to know Laxus joined Blue Pegasus. It'd be better if he were in Sabertooth though.

As Natsu was off training he never knew FT was disbanded.😒
Mashima was sly here, I mean Lucy became a Sorcerer weekly reporter, (I mean she should've done rigorus training , she lost Aquarius, should've been her wake up call, just my opinion though) . But I get why Mashima did it though, he wanted Lucy to be the one to meet Natsu first and it be another adventure of theirs.

Oh yeah did I mention Lucy stalked her former guildmates and kept track of where they were. I think disbanded FT members should've just made a new guild. I mean where did all the friend family thing go? It would make sense ya know? But nooo,they all went their separate ways contradicting what they stood for. Totally loved Gray's look in the arc tbh 💙

Ok so this bit of rant is for all the people who complain Natsu left Lucy and made her cry

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Ok so this bit of rant is for all the people who complain Natsu left Lucy and made her cry. That he should've taken her with him for the one year long training of his.
I disagree, Natsu's best friend is Happy, so obviously the best frieng would go right? Lucy came into the picture much later. Insted of her fretting that he left her, shouldn't she think from his perspective as well? He saw his father (Igneel) get killed in front of his eyes. That father he had been looking for. Even as a kid when any rumour of a dragon sighting came he would go. So tell me how going on a training to become stronger is wrong? In my opinion he does not need Lucy's forgiveness. (Many think Lucy forgave him too easily. Funfact: Natsu never asked for her to forgive him 😜)He did nothing wrong.

Next, even if he were to go on a training with someone wouldn't Erza and Gray be the people he went with? I mean these 3 were childhood friends, the bond is stronger. Everything doesn't need a NaLu angle in my opinion.

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