Chapter Twenty Three ~ I Am Jealous

Start from the beginning

                Okay Caitlin, don’t say anything you’ll regret. You’ll be spending a lot of time with him and the rest of One Step. He’s probably grown up. He’s not the same boy I knew in the X Factor.

“Hello Marty. It’s a pleasure to see you again.” I said. His smile faltered a bit, but he seemed to understand that I didn’t want to talk to him. I have to admit, I already respect him for that. I turned to Julie and told her that I wanted to leave. She nodded and told Liz, but she was too busy talking to Beck and now Sam.

                Julie and I left the gym and got back to the bus. I sighed in disappointment when I remembered that we wouldn’t be staying at a hotel. We are only in Connecticut for two days, and management didn’t want us to check out a hotel for two nights. But I guess it’s fine, I mean I like sleeping in the bunks sometimes. But I guess that comes with touring, and I wouldn’t change it.

Niall’s P.O.V

“Niall, have you seen this video?” Zayn asked, sitting down next to me. I looked up from the hotel telly and looked at him. He looked a little tired, but it’s only nine in the morning. I guess for him that’s early.

“No, what video?” I asked, muting the telly with the clicker. People in America call it a remote. I just don’t get it. I mean… it’s a clicker, not a remote.

“It’s Liz. Here… just watch it.” Zayn said, handing me his phone. I pressed play and the screen overtook the whole phone. It buffered a little bit in the beginning, but after about a minute the video started to play.

                It was obviously from someone at a Jay Cee El concert, I could see Caitlin running around the stage and could here Julie talking but I couldn’t see her. Liz came into picture and she was looking around the crowd. All of a sudden she froze, obviously looking at something that was behind the screen. Whoever was taking the video noticed Liz too and turned around. I didn’t see anything but a mix of boys and girls faces, until the camera zoomed in on a poster that read ‘Nindy is better than Niz’.

                My first thought was what is ‘Nindy’, but I got distracted when the camera went back to Liz. This time Caitlin was by Liz’s side, obviously saying something to her. I watched as Caitlin dragged Liz off the stage and then Julie said her goodbyes. The last thing the video showed was Julie running after the two girls.

“What is ‘Nindy’?” I asked Zayn, handing his phone back to him as well.

“You haven’t been on Twitter lately, have you?” He asked. I shook my head and then pulled out my phone. He told me to check my mentions, and then to see what’s trending. I nodded and logged onto Twitter.

                As usual my mentions began to flood, but I was shocked at what came up. All this stuff about Cindy and I. That’s what Nindy must be. Damn, did I really not put that together until now? I feel a little stupid now. Anyway… all my mentions were about how Nindy was so great. There were very few that were talking about how Niz is better, and whoever it was I followed.

                Fuck. If these are just my mentions, what shit is going to be trending. I have to admit, as the page loaded I got a little nervous. When the page finally finished loading I sighed with anger. How could ‘NindyShouldMakeBabies’ trending? Cindy and I aren’t together, I love Liz with every fiber of my body. I’m not going to let anything take Liz away from me. I’ve already let that drunk girl, and then the distance come between us. I’ve got to talk to her.

                I exited Twitter and pressed two on my speed dial. I would’ve made her one, but my Mom’s number one and I didn’t want to change it. Plus… she wouldn’t let me. Liz that is, not my Mom. Anyway I waited for Liz to pick up, but she hasn’t. I know that she has today off, is she still mad at me? I gave her some space…fuck.

                That’s why she didn’t try and get in touch with me. She must have seen this ‘Nindy’ shit and thought it was real. Oh God, please let her answer.

“Hi! You’ve reached Liz, but sadly I’m not here.” I heard Liz say.

“Yeah she’s too busy with me, the love of her life!” I heard my own voice cut in. I smiled, remembering that she never had the heart to change it. She told me that she loved it to much.

“Shut up Niall. Anyway please leave a message a-.” She got cut off again by me.

“Go get your own life and stop bothering my girlfriend. We’ll be off having fun together while your jealous. Bye!” I smiled, remembering that as soon as I hung up that phone I ticked her, making her laugh like crazy. I think I fell in love with her all over again that day.

                But sadly that day isn’t today, and I’m not with her. I’m not there to kiss her, or hug her, or do anything I should be doing with her. I can’t wait till we meet up in August. I’m going to do something special for her, I just have to figure out what to do.

                I hung up without leaving a message. Liz never checks her voicemail; she only calls them back so leaving a message is pointless. Why didn’t she answer? Normally she always does? She keeps her phone on her like Perrie keeps her engagement ring on her finger. Okay, that was a bad mix but oh well. It’ll do for now.

                I scrolled through my contacts, finding Julie’s name. I need to talk with Liz and I’ll do anything to be able to. I pressed ‘call’ and waited for her to answer. Finally after a few rings Julie finally picked up.

“Hey Julie, it’s me Niall.” I said.

“I know.” She laughed. “What’s up?” She then asked.

“I tried calling Liz and she didn’t answer. Is she with you? Is she alright? Is she mad at me? What did I do? Those rumors aren’t true, trust me. Please… just let me speak to her.” I said all in a rush.

“Niall, calm down. I’m not with Liz right now. She’s hanging out with Beck and Sam at the gym. I don’t know why she didn’t answer but she’s probably busy. She’ll call you back by the end of the day.” Julie reassured me. I sighed with relief. Wait… who’s she hanging out with? Sam… Beck… One Step! That’s who they are.

“Wait… why is she hanging out with them? I thought you all hated each other?” I asked. Last I remember Caitlin was telling me that she hated Marty. Marty is in One Step… yeah he is. I feel like a prick because I didn’t remember this.

“No, Liz and I are still friends with Beck, Sam, and Josh. But we don’t like or talk to Marty. Don’t get jealous Niall, they’re just friends. I need to go, I’m about to watch a movie with Caitlin. I’ll talk to you soon. Bye!” With that she hung up. What she is probably a good thing to go by. But there is one problem….

                I am jealous.


Okay, so there’s the chapter. I really hope you all enjoyed it. Haha, so there’s really not much else to say… oh wait!

Caitlin though that Marty seemed a little more manish… what do you thinks’ going to happen?

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!


--The picture on the side is… One Step! I changed the actor that plays Josh because the other one seemed a lot older then everyone else… so yeah

--In the external link there are the girls’ outfits. I didn’t describe it but its there!!

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