"Oh." Was the only thing he says frowning a bit. "And how much money are you sending every week?" He asks curiously.

"250£." I smile widely, "I can give some more if you need it." I can't hide the fact that I'm really proud of it. When I was driving home with my bicycle yesterday, I screamed. Happiness was the only thing I felt right there and then.

For my dad and I this is a big amount of money for just one week. My dad gets paid by the government because he's unemployed. It isn't much, but we manage to come around with it.

"That's great. What family will you be going to?" He asks.

"The Maliks. They live in the big mansion a short drive away from here."

"Wow, aren't you a lucky girl." He chuckles.

"Yes, I think I am. But I've got to get ready now. I'm going by foot, because I've got a suitcase to carry." He nods in understanding.

He sold our last car so we could stay in our house. If he hadn't done that we'd be living on the streets probably.

We both stand up and say our goodbye's before I walk towards my room to quickly change into my outfit. When I tried to take a shower I noticed that we've ran out of water. Luckily I took a shower yesterday.

I check my appearance in the hall mirror. My long brown hair lays nicely on my shoulders. I actually look quite presentable and that makes me feel a bit less insecure.

"This is it." I whisper to myself before stalking out the house onto the street with the suitcase rolling behind me.

The walk is quite exhausting but I try to enjoy the nature around me and the birds chirping. I waited so long for summer to arrive. After all, this is the best time of the year. It is the first summer I won't be spending at home. Spending my summer working wasn't exactly how I planned it, but life is an unpredictable thing. Who knows, maybe I'll have the time of my life there?

I snap out of my thoughts when I arrive at a big gate. I press on a button on it and a few seconds later I hear a voice coming from the device.

"Hello." A little girl's voice speaks. She sound pretty young according to how high her voice sounds.

"I'm Abigale, the nanny."

"Come in."

I hear a beeping sound and then the gate doors start to open in front of me. I walked trough them and am utterly shocked at the beautiful sight. The path towards the mansion is decorated by trees at both sides of the path .At the end you can see a part of the house and it looks even bigger than I imagined.

I drag my suitcase along with me until I stand at the front door and just when I reached out to open it , the door swings open revealing a young girl.

"Hello." The young girl greeted giving me a big smile. I give her a small wave feeling slightly awkward.

"I thought you would be an old lady." She admits giggling. She gestures with her hand  for me to come inside.

The foyer is huge and breathtaking. A really expensive looking chandelier hangs in  the middle of the hall.

"What's your name?" I ask politely not knowing how to act around a millionaire's daughter. I'm scared that if I talk informal to her she'll act like a brat to me or something and tell her mum.

The girl starts walking down the hallway.

"I'm Safaa." She says while she turned around a corner revealing the kitchen.

This house is so beautiful. The kitchen is what every woman dreams of.

I place my suitcase against a wall.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now