Team Demon (UDG)

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Komaru: So, where is everyone right now? We should find a place to meet up and talk and hang out and stuff.

Takemichi: "Hang out and stuff". What are you, a teenage girl?

Komaru: Yeah.

Takemichi: ...

Takemichi: Shut up.

Kenshiro: I agree that we should meet together. It would be wonderful to meet all of you people.

Takaaki: I also need to make sure you aren't breaking any laws.

Hiroko: It's the apocalypse, I can screw whoever I want.

Takaaki: But everyone you meet might end up dead in a few hours!

Hiroko: Dead men tell no tales. There'd be no evidence of my past.

Takaaki: You are a sick woman!

Hiroko: I kid, I kid. I'm as upset over all these innocent deaths as you.

Taichi: W-Well, I'm at Towa Tower. I found a laptop and have been trying to get it to work.

Kenshiro: I am currently in the basement parking lot of a department store.

Aloysius: My current location is of the Towa Bridge's Overlay Structure.

Yuta: Well, since I left the bridge, I've actually been heading towards that hospital.

Komaru: Hey! That's where I am! We can meet up!

Takaaki: I'm hiding at the Memorial Science Hall.


Takaaaki: Well, where are YOU hiding, young man!?

Takemichi: ...The library...

Takaaki: You have no right to call me a nerd! Even if I was one, that is rude! I'll have you know, nerds can be very interesting and special people!

Fuhito: Back on the topic of locations, Fujiko and I happened to run into each other as we both apparently decided to hide out in an Integrated Book Store.

Fujiko: Surprisingly, this old man is very nice.

Ayaka: I'm at a police station.

Takaaki: Young lady, be careful! If there are any weapons in there, I cannot allow you to take them. Only I am experienced enough to wield a firearm!

Komaru: I have a megaphone that destroys the Monokumas.

Kanon: Me too! I found it on the corpse of a Future Foundation member, and now I'm fighting to find Big Brother Leon!

Takemichi: Just tell us where you are.

Kanon: I'm not stopping. I'm just going around the city. Funny thing, I was by the Public Hall a while ago and saw a black cat with one of these handbook things.

Fuhito: I suppose that cat must be a hostage.

Kenshiro: I shall venture to the Public Hall and retrieve it. I cannot allow a defenseless cat to die here. I'll carry them with me, along with their handbook in case it's important.

Hiroko: I actually am underground. This pedophile is running a revolution. Though, I think you guys have a better chance of stopping these kids than him. I might ditch this place and come find one of you. Maybe ChiChi, cause Towa Tower is pretty close by.

Taichi: ...ChiChi?

Hiroko: I give everyone little nicknames, darling.

Taichi: D-Darling!?

Hiroko: Anyway, I found a Stinkbug crawling around by one of these handbooks earlier, so I put it in a jar. Apparently, his name is Kameko. And he is a she.

Komaru: You could have just said she was a she to begin with...

Hiroko: Don't worry about the details, Koko.

Komaru: Koko?

Komaru: Oh wait.

Komaru: Hey Yuta, my friend Toko says that we can't stay at the hospital, but she says she's fine with the idea of us all meeting up. What's a good place to meet at?

Taichi: We should all meet here at Towa Tower! This laptop I found might be able to get in contact with Future Foundation!

Komaru: That's great! They should definitely be able to help us get to our families!

Yuta: Okay. See you at the tower, guys!

Komaru: Team Demon, unite!

Takemichi: The fuck?

Komaru: Well, the kids call us demons, and I thought we need a name for us all.

Takemichi: That's a dumb name.

Yuta: I like it.

Kenshiro: I don't object to the name.

Takaaki: I think it fits this situation very nicely.

Taichi: I don't really mind.

Takemichi: ...

Takemichi: Fuck you all.

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