The Case Of The Crystal Ball (DR1)

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Hiro: Hey Kyoko? Can you do me a favor?

Kyoko: What is it?

Hiro: I need you to solve a mystery for me. You're very detective-like, and I thought you could help.

Kyoko: I am the Ultimate Detective after all.

Hiro: What!? I thought you couldn't remember your talent?

Kyoko: Mukuro informed me earlier. I also told the others. But you were busy sleeping in your room.

Hiro: I wasn't sleeping! I was looking for the thing that got stolen!

Kyoko: So, you want me to solve the mystery of a theft?

Hiro: Yeah! Can you help me? I can't pay you with anything but Monocoins, though...

Kyoko: That'll do. Some things in the Monomono Machine are quite enjoyable. I'll do it for 50.

Hiro: Deal.

Kyoko: Now, what are the facts of the case?

Hiro: So, last night while I was sleeping, my crystal ball was stolen! I used it once before I went to bed, and when I woke up, I wanted to use it again, but it was gone! The thing is, it was in my room!

Kyoko: What time did you go to sleep and when did you wake up?

Hiro: Umm... It was about 10:30. I went to my room after the announcement and spent thirty minutes trying to do an accurate reading. According to my crystal ball, I'm going to make it out of this place alive! I was going to try checking someone else's chances, but the ball was gone! I woke up at about 6:30 so I could finish up before it was time to go to breakfast.

Kyoko: So that means the culprit had an 8 hour time period to steal it...

Kyoko: What other information can you tell me?

Hiro: Well, first I thought someone broke in, but the lock was intact and I had my key with me. It's a locked room theft!

Kyoko: Are you sure you just didn't miss it when you searched your room?

Hiro: I checked everywhere! The trash can, under the bed, in the bathroom, in the dresser, every nook and cranny of this room!

Kyoko: Did you remember to lock your door before you went to sleep?

Hiro: ...

Hiro: I knew I forgot something.

Kyoko: You idiot! Imagine what would've happened if someone who wanted to kill you came in!

Hiro: Okay, Okay, I'm sorry. But, this means anyone could have done it.

Kyoko: True. We have an 8 hour time frame where almost everyone doesn't have an alibi.

Hiro: Almost everyone? But nobody should have an alibi cause they were asleep!

Kyoko: No, Junko and Mukuro are both sleeping in her room, so as long as they aren't lying, they should have an alibi.

Kyoko: That, and Makoto slept in my room last night.

Hiro: Woah, what!?

Kyoko: Apparently, he lost his room key. How unlucky. Junko said she'd send Monokuma to find it today, so last night, I suggested he sleep in my room, because we have a trusting relationship.

Hiro: Doesn't sound like bad luck to me.

Kyoko: What do you mean?

Hiro: You'll find out when you're ready. Just get back to the case.

Kyoko: Well, I have one suspect in mind.

Hiro: Who is it?

Kyoko: I don't want to accuse without evidence. Evidence is everything when it comes to cases. I'll have to investigate this matter further. I'll report back to you later today.

Hiro: Alright. See ya, Kyoko!

Kyoko: Good day.

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