Chapter 7- The Encounter

Start from the beginning

I was making my way out of the gym when I bumped into someone. "Oh I'm sorry" I said as I was trying to stand straight again. I looked up and my jaw dropped, there standing infront of me was Jonathan Toews.

"No it was my fault" he said as he smiled. Damn he looked cute when he smiles like that. But I didn't have any feelings for him, just pointing out some things. "How's it going Johnny?" I said trying to be normal and have a normal conversation with him unlike those fans who pester him for autographs and pictures.

"Oh so you're aware of who I am" he joked and we both started laughing. "I'm good, and you?" he asked. "I'm good, just getting a good work out. I'm Maddie by the way" I said and stuck out my hand without thinking.

Shoot, what did I just do. I bet Andrew's told the others about me he's obviously gonna tell Andrew. "So you're Maddie, I've heard quite a bit about you. But I'm sure you already know that" Jonathan told me trying to not make things awkward.

I gave him a little smile and nodded my head. "Ahaa yeah I had a feeling" I said as my cheeks turned red. "So do you like Shawzer?" he asked. "What?" I didn't expect him to ask me that. "Do you like Shawer?" he asked again. "Uhm I haven't even met him" I said trying to avoid the question.

"So? He's never met you but he's falling for you" Jonathan told me and just like that my cheeks turned red again. "It's complicated" I said and started walking towards the exit but Jonathan grabbed my wrist.

"If you ever do sort things out, just come by to one of our morning practices or to the locker rooms after a game." he said and then let me go. I smiled and nodded my head before leaving.

Well that was awkward, I thought to myself as I grabbed my stuff and walked back to my car.

I started driving home when my phone started ringing. Since I was driving I didn't bother checking the caller ID when I picked up. "Hello?" I said. "Hey babe it's me" I said and I relaxed as I soon realized it was Jeff.

"Hey, what's up?" I said as my mood suddenly felt better after that encounter with Jonathan. "I was wondering if you wanna go out for dinner tonight?" he asked as I stopped at a red light. "Sure, I'd love to" I said and couldn't help but smile when he asked me that.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 8! Drive safe" he said and hung up. After he hung up I threw my phone ont he seat next to me and just focused on getting home so I could get ready for my date tonight.

As soon as I got home I heard the screams of Natalie coming from her bedroom and I rushed up the stairs to see what was going on.

Once I got to her room I busted open the door to see she was sitting on her bed reading a piece of paper. "What the hell's going on?" I asked when she looked up at me. "I'm just practicing my script for a movie audition. This is my big chance!" she exclaimed as she jumped off her bed to great me with a hug.

"Oh god you scared me! Well I'll leave you to practice, just letting you know I've got a date tonight" I said as I was leaving Natalie's room when she grabbed my arm. "You're still going out with Jeff?" she asked me as she stared at me blankly.

"Yeah.. what's wrong with that?" I asked feeling a bit offended. "Well it's just a couple weeks ago you were gaga over Andrew and I just don't think you're over him yet and going out with Jeff doesn't help" she finally said as she looked down at the ground.

Natalie always does this to me whenever she feels that a guy isn't right for me, most time's I'd agree but this isn't one of those times. "Look Nat I know you're only looking out for me but I'm fine. I like Jeff and he likes me. If I ever start to doubt those feelings I'll dump him, but for now you've gotta trust me that I know what I'm doing" I said and Natalie only looked up and gave me a half smile.

"Alright, well I won't keep you any longer. Have fun on your date" she said as she turned to walk back to her bed and I left her room.

The whole time I was in my room getting ready for my date I couldn't help but think about everything that's happened today. Seeing Andrew in the morning, then running into Jonathan at the gym and now the talk I just had with Natalie. Maybe she was right, I'm not over Andrew. But I know I'm right to, I do like Jeff. But do I like him as much as I like Andrew?

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I only had time to finish my hair and make up and realized I had 10 minutes to get dressed before Jeff would be here. So I ran over to my closet, pulled out my black heels and my short black lace strapless dress.

Luckily the doorbell rang just as I finished getting dressed. I grabbed my black clutch and phone and ran downstairs to open the door. There stood a rather handsome Jeff. "Hey" I said and smiled as I walked out and locked the door. "You look gorgeous tonight" he said as he looked me up and down. I hit his arm and walked over to the car.

"You're not bad yourself" I teased and got into the car. The drive to the restaurant Jeff was taking me to was pretty quiet. I used this time to get a little rest while he focused on driving. Once we arrived I felt like I haven't eaten in years, I was so hungry.

"Finally we're here" I said as I got out of the car and walked over to Jeff's side. He started laughing and I clung onto his right arm. We walking into the restaurant and was brought a table right away.

We ordered our food and talked while waiting. I however wasn't feeling all that good so I was more quiet than usual. "Is something bothering you?" Jeff asked me which snapped me out of my thoughts.

I was going to answer him when our food came. I smiled and thanked the waiter and started eating. "It's nothing" I said as I continued eating. "No I wanna know" Jeff said and I sighed before answering him.

"I'm just so confused about my feelings. I mean I like you, but I like this other guy. And to be totally honest I don't think I even got over him. It's really complicated and I just don't know what to do" I said as I looked up to see a hurt expression on Jeff's face.

"I just want you to be happy, even if it means I've gotta give up such an amazing and beautiful girl like you. But follow your heart" he said and smiled as I stood up. "Thanks for understanding, I think I will. Thanks for tonight" I said and started walking towards the exit.

"Wait!" Jeff said as he caught up to me. I turned around and looked at him waiting for him to say something. "If you ever need anything, you know you can always ask me. You have my number, I'm always here for you" he said and with that he walked back to the table to finish his dinner.

I pulled out my wallet and paid for my part of the dinner. "Thanks, and here's my half of the bill" I said and turned around and headed out before he could stop me from paying.

I called a taxi and it arrived in 10 minutes. I knew where I was heading right now, I know it's late right now but my gut is telling me to do it. I was heading to the UC, to see Andrew.

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