Chapter 42

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"Are you ready love?" Harry asks.

"Almost!" I shout.

Harry is already standing at the door with his luggage, waiting so we can leave while I'm still in the bedroom. I will miss this little apartment so much even though I only spent two days here. It will always be a beautiful memory and hopefully I can come back here one day.

I sigh, looking around the room one more tie and then I turn the lights off and take my luggage, leaving the room.

"Can we go?" Harry asks smiling and I nod.

I'm the first to leave the aprtment and Harry follows quickly, closing the door and locking it. I look at the ground sadly and he realizes, lifting my head up by putting his fingers under my chin. I look up at him through sad blue eyes and he gives me a small smile.

"It's not forever." Harry whispers and I nod.

"Let's go." I say, waiting for him to take my hand.

He does and we go down the stairs, leaving the house. We sit down in the taxi that drives us to the airport and I look back at the house, watching how it gets smaller and smaller as we start driving away. We arrive at the airport only 15 minutes later and soon we're sitting in the plane back to England.

I look out of the window and watch how everything gets smaller until first the humans, then the houses look like ants. I smile to myself and rest my head against the cold window. I feel long soft fingers sliding between my own and smile, not even having to turn my head to know it's Harry. He holds my hand lightly and there's not much holding, it's just to tell each other that we're here. We just enjoy this small touch.

Eventually I fall asleep a fter a while, or that's what Harry says when he wakes me and tells me that we already landed. I yawn and stretch, then get up. We leave the plane and wait for our luggage.

"This weekend was so beautiful." I say and Harry nods.

"But I'm glad we're getting to see Luke and Darcy again." he says and I nod.

"Me too." I say and we see our luggage, quickly getting it.

Soon we're at home and I take the keys out, unlocking the door.

"We're back!" I shout and my mom greets us with a hug.

"Hey boys, the twins are sleeping." she says smiling.

"Thank you so much for looking after them." I say and she nods.

"You're welcome, but I really have to go now. See you soon boys!" she says and leaves.

We bring our luggage upstairs and unpack. Suddenly one of the babies cries and I look at Harry smirking, "I'm so glad we're back."

"Shut up." Harry laughs and leaves the room.

He comes back a few seconds later with a crying Darcy in his arms and goes over to me.

"I think your daughter needs you." he says smiling and I take her from him.

"Hey love, did ya miss your daddies?" I whisper, holding her carefully.

"Are you hungry?" I ask, smiling softly.

I go downstairs and hold Darcy with one arm, peparing a bottle with the other. I let her drink and when it's empty I put a napkin over my shoulder and hold Darcy up against it, tapping on her back lightly so she can burp.

"Good girl." I whisper and peck her head, then throw the napkin in the bin.

"Shall we go upstairs, yeah?" I ask smiling and go back upstairs.

My New Teacher [Larry - Student/Teacher] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now