Chapter 41

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I feel something soft on my face and I slowly open my eyes. The first thing I see is Harry's curls that are tickling my nose.

"Haz." I giggle sleepy and he stops kissing every inch of my face.

"Morning." I mumble.

"Good morning babe." he says and pecks my lips.

I smile with my eyes closed and suddenly he wraps his arms around my waist and rolls me on top of him so my head is right over his.

"Haz." I whine and he chuckles.

Suddenly I realize we're both still naked and I blush a bit, hiding my face in his neck. He puts his hand in my hair, fondling it gently and I smile, placing kisses on his neck. I pull away and look into his eyes. I lean down, parting my lips and slowly closing my eyes as Harry does the same. When our lips are almost touching I reach out my tongue and lick his mouth.

"Lou!" he whines, wiping his mouth and I laugh into his chest.

"I'm sorry babe." I say, leaning in again and giving him a real kiss this time.

I can tell that he didn't want to kiss back at first but then he did anyways. I smile into the kiss until Harry's tongue slips into my mouth, roaming it, swirling around. I pull away and peck his nose before rolling off him.

"I'll take a shower." I say and get up.

I walk to the bathroom, swaying my hips a bit more on purpose and Harry chuckles. I stop before I go into the bathroom and wink at him. Then I go inside and close the door. I go into the shower and turn on the water. I take the bottle of shampoo and pop the cap, pourring some of the substance on my hands. I wash my hair and then wash it out.

"Lou, when are you ready?" Harry asks, knocking lightly on the door.

"Don't know!" I shout.

I wash my body and lean back against the cold wall, closing my eyes, resting my head against it. How did this all happen? A few months ago I just had a little, ok maybe a big crush on my teacher and now we're dads, engaged and on vacations in France. It all happened so fast but I don't regret anything. I wouldn't change a thing. I turn off the water and step out of the shower, taking a towel and drying myself. I wrap it around my waist and go to the mirror. I run a hand over my cheeks and chin and then take my razor. I quickly shave and put my boxers on then.

I leave the room and see Harry standing on the balcony, one hand on the railing, one hand holding the thin white blanket up that he wrapped around his waist. His bare back was facing me and he just stared at his surroundings. I smirk and walk outside to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"You look freaking sexy like this." I whisper in his ear and he chuckles.

"Thanks." he says, "So do you."

I smile and kiss his shoulder. I wrap one hand around his stomach and place the other one on his chest, pulling him into me. I place kisses on his neck and shoulders and then rest my chin on his shoulder.

"Can I go shower now?" he asks and I shake my head.

"I want you to stay like this all day. Only dressed with a blanket that could slip any second." I whisper into his ear, smirking and brushing my lips over his ear.

"Gosh Lou." Harry murmurs and I chuckle softly, pecking his temple.

"I love you." I say and let go off him.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks, lifting me up, carrying me bridal style.

I giggle and take the ends of the blanket so it doesn't fall down.

My New Teacher [Larry - Student/Teacher] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now