Chapter 10

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Will you come over today? - Harry

Of course, but I have to go to El after school. - Louis

Oh come on! - Harry

Don't worry. Nothing will happen and I won't be there for long. - Louis

Don't kiss her again please. That feels like you're cheating on me. - Harry

I won't - Louis

Thank you. And now go to class or you're late and I don't want you to be late in my lesson again. - Harry

Haha ok - Louis

I put my phone into my pocket and close the door of my locker. Then I walk towards the classroom and open the door. I quickly sit down next to Zayn and I smile at Harry.

"Hey mate." Zayn says.

"Hi." I say, not looking away from Harry.

"Could you stop staring at him for maybe 5 seconds?" Zayn asks and I look at him.

"Better?" I ask and he nods.

After 5 seconds I look at Harry again.

"Louuu." Zayn moans annoyed.

"You said 5 seconds." I say shrugging and he rolls his eyes.

"You have to pay more attention. Jim is already thinking that you have a crush on our teacher and you are dating Eleanor by the way. You didn't even say hi." Zayn says and I sigh.

"Zayn it isn't easy to hide your love for someone. Especially when everyone's against it. El is nice but I hate being around hr when she thinks I'm her boyfriend. It hurts me but way more important it hurts him." I say, nodding into Harry's direction.

"Of course it does, but you knew that." Zayn says and I nod slowly.

I see Eleanor waving me so I wave back and fake a smile. She throws a little note to me and I read it.

"Can't wait for today :)"

"What does she mean?" Zayn asks.

"I'll go to her house this afternoon." I say, sighing lightly.

"And what will you do then? She will try to kiss you and maybe more, but you're in a relationship." Zayn says.

"No, I'm in two relationships." I say, sighing again.

"But honestly how do you want to do that?" Zayn asks.

"I don't know. I promised Harry not to kiss her, but it will be hard because she thinks I love her so she probably wants to kiss." I say and Zayn nods.

"Of course she does." he says and I bury my face in my hands.

"Why is everything so complicated?" I ask and Zayn rubs circles in my back.

In the break I stay with Harry again. We sit down in a corner of the classroom and cuddle up to each other. When someone comes in he doesn't see us so we have enough time to seperate.

"You know what?" Harry asks.

"No what?" I ask.

"Next week is our one month anniversary." Harry says smiling and my face lights up.

"Right!" I say and cuddle up more to him.

He kisses my head and strokes my cheek softly.

"I love you Lou." he says.

"Love you too baby." I say and he kisses my head again.

"I planned something for our anniversary." he says and I smile.

My New Teacher [Larry - Student/Teacher] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now