Chapter 34

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I wake up because of the babies crying and I moan annoyed. I look at the time - 3 AM - and roll my eyes.

Thank you so much...

I slowly get up and go into the children's room.

"It's ok sweetheart." I say, taking a crying Darcy in my arms.

I sway my arms a bit and humm a song for her. She calms down soon and I lay her down in her bed again.

"Good night darling." I say and kiss her forehead.

Then I put the covers over her and want to leave the room but Harry is blocking the door.

"Why are you awake?" I ask, yawning.

"I wanted to look after kids." he says.

"They're alright. Let's go back to sleep." I say.

"Then we'll be even more tired Louis." Harry says.

"I don't care." I say and take his hand, pulling him with me into the bedroom.

We lay down in the bed and I cuddle up to him, quickly falling asleep again.


I wake up because of the ringing of my clock and sigh. What a great way to start the day!

We get ready and feed the babies afterwards. Then we drive to school where we meet Zayn, Perrie and Eleanor outside.

"Hey guys." Perrie says smiling.

"Hey." I say tired.

"Everything ok?" El asks and I nod, yawning.

"Yeah just really tired." I say.

"The kids, huh?" Zayn asks and I nod.

"It's hard man." I say and he laughs a bit.

"I don't think I could do this yet." Eleanor says.

"Yeah it might be hard but there are way more good sides than bad ones." I say and Harry nods in agreement.

"Let's go inside." Perrie suggests.

We enter the school and go to my locker.

"See you later darling." I say, smiling at Harry.

He quickly kisses my head and I smile even bigger.

"What if they saw us?" I ask.

"I don't care. There are only three days left anyways." he says smiling and leaves then.

"God I love you two together." Perrie says and I chuckle a bit.

"Me too." I say.

We go into the classroom and Harry starts the lesson.

"Did you already plan how you'll come out?" Zayn asks and I shake my head.

"We won't plan anything but our wedding." I say and their jaws drop.

"Wait what?" Zayn and Perrie ask shocked.

"Oh I didn't tell you yet." I say.

"Tell us!" Perrie says.

"Harry proposed to me yesterday." I say smiling.

"Oh my god! Really?" they ask excited and I nod.

I show them the ring and Perrie looks at it amazed.

"It's so beautiful!" she says.

"I know." I say.

"So obviously you said yes, right?" Zayn asks and I nod.

"Yeah." I say, looking at the ring.


"I told Zayn and Perrie about the proposal today." I say smiling and Harry takes my hands in his.

He sits down on a table and pulls me close to him, interwining our fingers.

"What did they say?" Harry asks.

"They were totally amazed." I chuckle and Harry smiles.

"Your parents are watching after Luke and Darcy, right?" Harry asks and I nod.

"I can call them if you want." I say and he shakes his head.

"No I trust them." he says, causing me to smile.

 "I just hope that my mom won't want to make a double marriage now." I laugh and Harry nods, laughing as well.

"No this will be our day." Harry says.

"Only ours." I say nodding.


I wait for Harry at his car but he just doesn't show up.

"Where's Harry?" Zayn asks when he sees me standing alone.

"I don't know." I say, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Do you want to look after him?" he asks and I nod.

We go into the school and look to the teacher's room.

"Excuse me, have you seen Mr Styles?" I ask one of the teachers.

"Yeah he left with Mrs Evans." someone says.

"Do you know where they went?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Thank you." I say.

"Let's look into her office." I say.

We go to her office and I open the door which is surprisingly not locked. When I look into the room I can't trust my eyes. I feel tears forming and Harry looks at me shocked. Harry's back is against the wall and they just pulled away from a really passionate looking kiss.

"H-how could you?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"Louis! It's not what you think!" Harry shouts but I quickly run outside.

"Louis!" Zayn shouts and follows me.

I sit down on the stairs in front of the school and sob into my hands.

"Louis." Zayn says, sitting down next to me.

"He kissed her Zayn! He fucking cheated on me!" I cry.

"I know." Zayn says and pulls me into his arms.

"C'mon I'll bring you to me." he says and helps me up.

He sits me down in his car and drives to his house. He leads me inside and sits me down on the couch.

"What should I do now?" I cry.

"First of all calm down." Zayn says.

"How should I? He cheated on me! We have children Zayn!" I shout.

"I know Louis but maybe it's not how it seemed." Zayn says.

"He asked me to marry him and then he cheats on me." I cry, hiding my face in my hands.

"C'mere." Zayn says, pulling me into his arms and rubbing my back.

"Why did he do that?" I ask.

"I don't know Louis, I don't know." Zayn says.

Sorry that this is so short and sorry for the cliffhanger! I know you hate me :D

I seriously hated writing this chapter more than anything but here it is. I was actually crying and it felt so so wrong but yeah...

Hope you liked it?

My New Teacher [Larry - Student/Teacher] *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now