The Arena

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" These outfits are amazing. Tell our moms we said thanks." Rose said as Emily fixed her hair.

" Entering the arena in 30 seconds." A speaker said.

A tear escaped from Emily's eye. " I'll miss you. Do your best!"

Rose gave Emily a hug, and then the countdown started.

" 10, 9, 8, 7,"

Rose wouldn't allow herself to cry. She stepped towards the glass elevator and waited until it opened.

" 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

She stepped inside. Emily waved.

Rose almost couldn't breathe. But she waved back.

Once Rose was up in the arena, she saw sand. Lots of sand. She also spotted a hideout with bags and backpacks.

Rose needed a needle, a bottle for water, a bow, a few arrows and some thread.

Counting from 10, the speaker explained how everyone will run to wherever and their places where they are standing will blow up if not.

Rose had to think of something fast. She didn't want to be in the bloodbath, but she needed supplies. Maybe she could climb the hideout and knock some people over and grab a few things.

And that's what she did.

She knocked out both people from district 3 and 4.

She grabbed two backpacks and a pack of bow and arrows and ran for her life. She didn't spot any trees or anything. It was a desert. But there had to be something somewhere.

Rose didn't even see Jack. She just wished him good luck.

Rose was trying to look around for somewhere to stay for a little while so she could look at the supplies she got.

She spotted a pond of water and a forest. No one was around, either.

Rose ran towards the heaviest looking tree with the most leaves. She made sure no one was around and she sat behind the tree.

A mini sewing kit, a jug, a pocket knife and rubbing alcohol is what is in the first backpack. In the second bag, there was rope, bandages, wrapping bandages and a drinking straw. One of the backpacks was bigger than the other so she stuffed all the supplies in the bigger bag and picked herself up.

Rose already knew what was in the package of her bow and arrows, it was obvious.

She wanted to set a trap. Since she has an extra backpack, she wants to make it look like she's staying in a tree so people would be distracted but then she sneaks up behind them and kills them.

Rose climbed up the tree and hung the empty backpack on a branch.

Then, she headed over to the pond to get water. It wasn't poisonous, Rose knew the difference between poisonous water and non poisonous water.

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