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" Morning, Primrose." Peeta brushed Primrose's cheek as she slowly got up.

" Goodmor-" Primrose looked over to her window and shot up. She ran over to it.

" Dad!" she pointed outside. " It's snowing! Oh my gosh!"

Peeta smiled and got off of her bed. He went over to Primrose and half hugged her.

" Oh yeah! It is."

" Yo, sorry to interrupt your Christmas miracle but it's time for food." Jace peeked his head around Primrose's door and raised his eyebrows. Primrose rolled her eyes. Jace smiled, and Primrose raced to the kitchen with Jace.

Katniss was fixing eggs and toast. Jace and Primrose sat down. Katniss placed one piece of toast and a few eggs on Primrose's plate and two pieces of toast and more eggs on Jace's plate. He eats more.

Peeta also fixed himself a plate along with Katniss.

" Have you heard anything about The a Hunger Games?" Primrose asked and shoved a piece of bacon in her mouth.

" No, not yet. All I know is it's on January 12. I'll keep looking out for any updates." Katniss replied.

" Hey.. Guys? I was thinking about something." Primrose told Peeta and Katniss. Peeta took the ketchup and put it on his eggs, waiting for Primrose to continue.

" I want a nickname. Like, mom," Primrose looked over at Katniss. " Your name was The Girl On Fire, and that's what everyone knew you as. So I want a symbol, and I want it to be a Rose. Just in case I get picked."

" Actually, Primrose, that's a good idea. I like it. Peeta?"

" Yeah, sure." Peeta didn't exactly care as much as Katniss did. He just went with it.

" OOH! I want a nickname! How about... Turtle? Cause I love turtles. Or maybe even Speed! Cause I'm super fast!" Jace was extremely happy. Everyone else chuckled.

" We'll take that in consideration," Katniss replied and picked up an egg with her fork.

" Thank you for your consideration!"

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