Jace's Bacon

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Peeta and Jace had headed home. Katniss and Primrose were still out hunting.

" You did good today, Primrose." Katniss patted Primrose's back.

" Thanks." Primrose said. She shook her shoulders, unsure if she actually did good.

" You did, Primrose. You did very-"

" Sure. I did good. But did I do good enough for The Hunger Games? If I don't step it up, I'll die. No sugar coating it. I'll die. I'm too sensitive to all of this. I might as well just not even try." Primrose was about to cry. She ran and headed home.

Katniss got mad.

" PRIMROSE!" Katniss yelled.

Katniss ran after Primrose. She was foot distance.

Primrose opened the house door and tried to slam it, but Katniss caught it. Jace and Peeta were cooking the pig that Jace caught. They both looked over. By Primrose's facial expressions, she was sad. By Katniss's facial expressions, she was furious.

" What happened to you?" Jace asked Primrose, sarcastically. Primrose shot Jace a dirty look and went straight to her room.

" Jace, just,just don't." Katniss briefly told him. Then she followed Primrose to her room. Primrose slammed her door. Katniss opened it, it banged against the wall.

" What were you thinking? A bear could've gotten you!" Katniss yelled. Primrose shook her arms.

" I just can't do it." Primrose told Katniss.

Katniss sighed. "Primrose...," Katniss sat next to Primrose on her bed.

" You are not going to die in The Hunger Games. You are going to win. You are going to survive. Your father and I will make sure of it."

Primrose nodded. " Okay."

Katniss hugged Primrose with one arm. They sat there for about 3 minutes.

Then they heard 3 soft knocks. It was Peeta.

" Listen.. Uh.. If you want, Jace's bacon is ready to enjoy."

Katniss and Primrose nodded.

" Remember, you have the Primrose necklace. Nothing can harm you." Katniss looked at Primrose's necklace. Primrose held onto it, then let go.

Katniss and Primrose returned to the kitchen.

" Wow, Jace. You cooked this?" Katniss lifted a piece of bacon.

" Yes, all by myself. Well, dad showed me, but I like to take the credit for it." Jace seemed proud. Peeta chuckled.

Katniss got a plate for Primrose and herself. Jace wanted to get his own, and Peeta got his own as well.

Primrose placed it in her mouth, closed it, but she didn't chew yet. She broke off the rest of the bacon that was hanging down.

" The baby pig was suffering! I shot that one. In fact, Primrose, I think you got the good part! The chest." Jace explained. Primrose looked disgusted. She took the piece of bacon out of her mouth and put it back onto her plate.

" Second thought... I'm really not that hungry." Primrose pushed her plate aside. Jace reached over the table and grabbed her leftover bacon. He nodded his head sideways once.

" More for me!" Jace said. He grabbed the bacon and sat back in his seat. He enjoyed it.

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