Cinnamon Rolls

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" Wake up, Rose." Peeta said. Rose woke up instantly. Actually, she was already up, but she wanted to enjoy her time in bed before the reaping.

Jace was walking past Rose's room. She caught up with him. Rose gave him a hug.

" Uhh... What was that for...?" Jace asked.

" Well it's just cause I might not see you again."

Jace hugged Rose for the first time in a while. Then Katniss walked in.

" I don't wanna know why. I don't wanna know how. I just wanna enjoy this moment for as long as it shall last." Katniss loved seeing Jace and Rose hugging each other. Then they stopped. Katniss sighed. Rose laughed.

" You two better come with me, I cooked something special!" Katniss said.

As soon as Jace and Rose got a breath of the air, Katniss ran over to the stove.

" French toast and cinnamon rolls!"

" Holy baby pig that was very good that Jace caught! I haven't had that in forever!" Rose ran to the table and smelled the sweetness of the cinnamon roll.

" Yeah... I'm with her." Jace added. He also smelled the sweetness of the cinnamon roll. Katniss served Rose and Jace some.

" Okay, big boy. Time to get your own plate," Katniss patted Peeta's shoulder.

" I'm so scared, mom. " Rose told Katniss.

" Aww, little Rose, don't be scared. You'll win if you're picked. Your name is only entered once."

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