One City, Two Worlds

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"Well, if it can't be helped, then I'll just pass for the event."

"Aw, come on, don't be like that," protested Leanne. The other girl simply laughed at her reaction.

"Just kidding! But seriously, there's no problem. It's just..."

"But your actions tell me there is!" 

Leanne sat beside Yura. "You know, I'm guessing it has something to do with the Occult Club."

Yura distanced herself from Leanne abruptly as a reaction. Hurriedly regaining her composure, she exhaled, hoping that her reaction did not make things too obvious for Leanne. 

"You've been visiting their President for days now, and whenever you talk, you had that really serious look on your face. Always."

Leanne continued before Yura can respond. "Does it have to do with those ghosts in the news?"

"Y-you believe in them?" hurriedly asked Yura.

Leanne smiled. 

"Of course not!" In an instant, her face turned serious. "And that's why you shouldn't be troubled over that thing. It's nothing but a story people make up. We're past the age of ghosts and demons, Yura."

"Glad to hear that. Anyways, I'll be going now! I still got some errands given by the professor."

Yura waved goodbye and left.


"Look, I feel really disrespected when people space out in class. You could do it, I mean, what's stopping you?" Professor Mikhail gave a sarcastic expression. "Just make sure not to get caught."

Yura stood in front of the spiky-haired professor, who comfortably sat behind his table. It is a rather plain table, except for the books stockpiled on top of it. Beside the books was a gold nameplate which read MIKHAIL ALDRA.

"I might not look like it, but I am nice to my students. You understand that being a teacher on magic, I could go off on people when I want to, right? You see what I'm trying to get across?"

Yura nodded. Professor Mikhail looked at her and put on his glasses, which was neatly set on the table. He opened a record book and checked something in it.

"Honestly, I had enough. Not only have you been inattentive for at least three sessions now, your grades in the written exams are terrible. Well, at least you show the most mastery of your inner energies in hands-on practice sessions, which is unsurprising." Mikhail pointed at Yura's armband. 

"Seeing as the festival is coming up, I think I'll be kind to you now despite your shortcomings. I'll let this one go after a favor. How about...."


"So, here it is."

Yura got off the metro and the station. She found herself at the northern sector of Arcadia, specifically near its boundary. From her point of view, she could see the wall which separated Arcadia from the mountainous regions of the north. She looked at her surroundings.

"Guess this is the less-developed part of the city..."

Instead of the smooth roads, technology, and high-rise buildings which characterized the heart of the city, the outskirts resembled a less-developed district. Architecture in the area looked more traditional, with some modern structures here and there. The roads were more rough as well, and the people looked less refined.

"Just like what they said in class..."

Yura recalled one of the first lessons in their class about the place. While majority of Arcadia has adapted to advanced technology, the northern part, due to its close proximity to the sacred mountain, remained rooted in their traditional ways. While this may seem weird, Yura learned to appreciate the northern district. 

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