(4) Zanmau

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Aphmau's POV

           "I have to go to class." I whispered, only receiving a grunt in reply.

           Silently I rose from the bed and began to look around the room for my discarded clothes. The funny thing is, most nights when I did end up staying with Zane (which was rare, he didn’t like me staying the night) my shirt would always go missing. I had a suspicion that he hid them for reasons beyond me. Perhaps they just got lost, perhaps they were… Ripped to disrepair and tossed out, maybe he kept them for weird kinky reasons, or maybe he thought if I couldn’t find my shirt I wouldn’t be able to leave.

           The last option was more of a naive fantasy than a valid option. So, at risk of my own peril for daring touch his things I did what I usually did. I went into his walk-in closet and stole one of his silk dress shirts. It was purple and I liked it just as much as I liked the grey one and infinitely more than the black. 

           Picking up my messenger bag on the way out I glanced back at him, he looked so different when he slept. There was still that tormented line between his brow, but for the most part he looked at peace, and every now and again he’d smile. Slipping out of the room I walked down the hallway, Garroth sat at the island reading the paper and drinking his coffee. I always found it awkward leaving with him there, I couldn’t help but wonder if he was glued to that barstool. It didn’t matter though, keeping my head down I slipped past him and out of the apartment.

           There was something about returning to everyday life after having a great night in O'khasis, and an equally great night back at Zane’s apartment that made everything pale in comparison. I had an hour gap to fill until my last lecture of the evening. I could just ditch, no, no I couldn’t as tempting as that thought was. I’ve skipped too much as it is and Mrs. Hyria is going to be talking about our psych exam next week.

           "Hey hotness."

           Annoyance clawed at me and I gave Aaron a pinched and pointed look, "Was our last meeting unclear?"


           "Our last meeting, when I told you to stay away from me or else I’d get a restraining or-"

           "Oh.";he grinned and I glared at him. "That conversation. I thought you were playing hard to get."

           Throwing my hands up I rose from where I sat on the park bench, he towered over me but I was too angry to be intimidated.

           "Hard to get? You want to be a behavioural analyst right? Tell me, in what way have I indicated to you that I like you enough to play hard to get? Even before you started speaking the first time I saw you I knew I hated you. Then there was the incident when you attempted to roofie me, it’s a good thing and kind of sad that we ladies have a nail polish for that. Even when I told you to go fuck yourself or I will kill you, you still think that my behaviour is telling you that I’m mean to you because I secretly like you?"

           His eyes darkened dangerously and I shrieked when he suddenly slammed me against a pillar. The back of my head screamed at the impact and Aaron covered my mouth with one hand, while the other gripped my throat so tightly I couldn’t breathe.

           "I’m getting really tired of this game when all I’ve ever done is like you, you’ve been a real bitch do you know that? The roofie was just a prank, I wasn’t really going to let you drink it. You should be flattered that I dig you so-"

           I brought my knee up in his groin using his moment of weakness to clamp my teeth down on one of his fingers. He released me and while he was hunched over I gave him a solid kick to the mouth before I ran.

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