“No, you didn’t! One f*cking rule and you can’t follow it!” he shouted. I felt my bottom lip quiver, but I swallowed back a sob and attempted to move further from him.

          Shaking my head, I took a big breath and gripped my shirt harder. “No, I did. I swear. A-ask Logan.”

          Jackson stared at me for a minute, not saying anything at all and keeping his lips in a firm line. “Logan, get you’re a*s in here!”

          A second later Logan jogged into the kitchen, standing a good distance away from Jackson. “What’s up, Boss?”

          Jackson growled loudly in response and narrowed his eyes, which were starting to turn a vibrant red color. “Did you answer my phone at all today?”

          Logan smiled as if he was going to be praised for it. “Yeah, Boss, while you were banging your girl.”

          Jackson growled warningly and shoved Logan harshly, but he kept his footing. “Did Rain call?”

          “Oh, yeah!” Logan jumped up and snapped his fingers, grinning madly. “Your sister called.”

          “And you didn’t tell me? I’ve been worried sick for the last two hours.”

          “Not worried enough to stop banging Chloe.” Beck stated as he walked into the room, smirking in my direction. I lowered my head and looked longingly towards the staircase. I needed my medicine badly and if Beck kept provoking Jackson, I could leave to go get it. There was no other way I was going to be able to get out of this.

          Jackson’s glare narrowed in on Beck as he walked past him towards the fridge. “Watch your f*cking mouth.” He barked, clenching his fists and using his alpha tone. Beck leaned against the counter with a can of beer in his hand and lowered his head since Jackson obviously wasn’t letting him get away with it. “You too.” He snapped at Logan.

          “Hey, man, at least I told you.”

          “After I asked you, douche bag.”

          “So? Your precious baby is home now, what’s the big deal?” Beck mumbled, putting his beer down and taking a small glass out of the cabinet above my head. He opened a bottle of clear liquid that was half empty on the counter and filled the small glass with it.

          Jackson ignored Beck and turned back to Logan, who was jumping up and down singing, “Shot, shot, shot.”

          “You’re a f*cking dumb*ss, get the hell out.” He slapped the side of Logan’s head and shoved him out of the room. I quickly turned around and put the plate in my hand in the right cabinet, trying to control my shaking hands.

          I began putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher and was halfway done when Jackson came back in the kitchen. I refused to turn around and get screamed at again so I stayed put and continued cleaning up.

          “Rain, you shouldn’t be cleaning. Eat something; there are leftovers in the fridge.”

          I didn’t respond and finished putting the dishes away, turning the machine on when I was done. After that I left the kitchen and grabbed my bag and shoes by the stairs, darting out the back door without putting them on. I speed walked halfway across the backyard before stopping to put on my flats and then continued walking towards the large rock next to a tree with bright pink leaves. I didn’t even realize I was crying until I swiped at my cheeks and discovered the liquid trailing down my face.

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