Suddenly, she's crying. "Jenna told me," she sobs. I hear her hand sound flat on the door. "Please let me in!"

    "Jenna should mind her own business," I snap. "She has never had anything to do with this, Eliza."

    She doesn't stop pounding on the door. "You're blind!" She whispers harshly in between gasps for breath. "You can't go back to him!"

    Chuckling flatly, I ignore her words. Carefully, I ease the window open for an escape... If I need one. "It's my choice, Eliza. I like... I love James, and he loves me. There's nothing more to it."

    "If he loves you so much, why do you have that bruise?" she snarls.

    I glare at the door, anger rising up. "I told you what happened. I was stupid and got myself injured. It has nothing to do with my boyfriend."

    I hear her forehead thump on the door, and she slides down so she's sitting. "I... I just can't believe you. But fine. It's your choice. Jenna says she's not missing any silver bracelet, she's rather glad to have it gone. I'll be on my bed." She stands up and her footsteps retreat.

    Somehow, Eliza has made all of the pain worse. It's as if the bruises are all being pressed at the same time. I sniffle, wipe away any tears trying to come, and I slowly walk over to the door. She doesn't get it. Sure, James might have his bad areas... But everyone can be redeemed, can't they? And if my love redeems him, then good. I made a difference, and we can stay together.

    The lock clicks undone as I step back into the dorm. Eliza wasn't kidding. I can see her locks sprawled on her pillow, her shoulders shaking. I swallow the guilt down. "Can I borrow your phone, Liza?"

    "Go ahead," she mumbles.

    After unlocking the phone, I call her sister. I retreat somewhere I can't be heard though. The phone rings, and Angelica almost picks immediately. "Hey, Ang."

    "Maria," Angelica answers. "Yes?"

    "For this project I'm doing in women studies, I have a question, but I don't have any resources to look it up. Can you help?" I lie.

    "Always," she replies.

    I lower my voice, making it barely audible. "Uh, how long can someone go to jail for domestic abuse?"

    "This is for women studies?" She asks.

    I chuckle. "What else would it be for?"

    She doesn't reply for a while. "I suppose depending on how bad it was, and who the jury consisted of, and the prejudices that resided towards or against the convicted, it could be months or years."

    "Wow, okay, thanks," I finally reply. Years? This... This isn't worth a month in jail. It's his way of expressing himself or something like that. He doesn't do it to anyone else though... I...

    I say goodbye to Angelica and call Jenna.

    "Eliza?" She picks up immediately. "Oh my god, is it bad?"

    "Hi, Jenna," I reply flatly. Apparently, I'm not quiet enough because Eliza seems to perk up slightly.

    "Oh, Maria. Are you okay?"

    "Why wouldn't I be?" The question isn't really that though. It's if she knows what happens.

    "Because you were with James," she says simply.

    I cock my head slightly, playing with a curl. "And why would that be a problem?"

    "Don't play stupid Maria. I broke up with him for multiple reasons. One, I didn't actually realize that I love Aaron, and two, he's abusive and awful. I still have scars."

Stories Undone, Scars Unseen // Hamilton College AUWhere stories live. Discover now