Chapter Thirteen. Confusion at It's Finest

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Third persons Point Of View

The dishes clashed together in the sink as Will worked with the suddy water, he was still in shock at what had happened, he left with hardly a scratch on him. And this confused him, by now, he would be bleeding and in quite a bit of pain. But he wasn't.

For some reason Will also found a small surge of hope in him? It wasn't about being able to leave, or that he might be treated better. But about something else. Though, he was still afraid it was just a delayed punishment. The thought scared him.

He continued to wash the dishes, all was silent besides the water and the dishes being clashed and cleaned. He made sure each one was spotless. He figured the most depressing part about this, was that as soon as he entered the house, he felt his powers slowly deteriorating. He still had a bit of magic left in him, and with that. He made a rose appear, the blue one from before. He smiled gently and smelled its sweet aroma.

He stuck it in his breast pocket and continued with the dishes. Drying them off and putting them away afterwards, he cleaned the counters, swept the floor. Then went to do laundry. He was already getting back into the groove of things when he came across Mabel.

"Demon, have you seen my dimwit of a brother?" She asked, not looking up from her phone as her manicured hands tapped away at the screen.

"U-um, well. I believe I seen him upstairs." He tried not to stutter, he knew Mabel got quite mad when that happened. He also tried not to mumble, which he ended up doing anyway. Mabel glared at him, raising her hand she slapped him across the face.

"What have I said about the mumbling and that cursed stuttering?!" Will flinched at her voice. Swallowing hard.

"Not to." It took all his might not to stutter, and everything he had to keep his voice raised to a normal level. She nodded and walked away. He sighed gently and held his stinging cheek. And so it begins.

He walked into the laundry room and started a load of the dirty laundry, then went to fold some of the stuff he had left out since he left. He sighed to himself after folding the laundry. Now feeling everything drained from him besides his quick healing, which the Gleefuls had begrudgingly Let stay when he had been punished once and could hardly move even a few days after.

He put away the laundry, his sleeves moving back, revealing a certain scar on the back of his hand. The tent of telepathy sign. Dipper had carved it into his hand one time. He sighed gently at the memory, sadness over taking him. He shook his head and went to clean up some of Mabel's stuff from the living room.

After a while the house was spotless. The windows shined and so did the floors and vases. The floors and banister of the stairs had been polished, this had taken Will all day. Thank goodness Mabel had stayed in her room as always. Stanford was probably out taking care of some business with his mafia. And Stanley was probably in Vegas building more casinos.

Will sighed lightly and looked around, there had to be something else to do. Dipper had been gone all day, though slightly relieved Will still waited his punishment he was sure would come. Though he had tried to keep his mind off it he thought about Bill

Bill was nice to him,  he acted, kind of what he figured a brother would. Will found himself smiling gently at the innapropriate joked Bill would share out of no where. Will sighed to himself slightly. It was good while it lasted.

The front door swung open and Dipper walked in, taking off a pair of large sun glasses, he was fuming. He had also been wearing a long trench coat, Will had seen him wearing such a get up whenever he wanted to go out and not be bothered. Which was often. Though that's not what will was worried about.

He was worried about the fact Dipper was really angry. He was worried about the fact he had slammed the door. He was worried about the fact Dipper was now stomping over to him.

"Don't just shake. Follow me." He stormed downstairs. Will gulped, he had only been down there a few times. Each memory was painful, and the scars on his back was a reminder of that. He slowly followed Dipper down. He knew this was going to happen.

He walked with his head down, trying to stall as much time as possible. He also tried to keep his mind off of what was soon to come. Though nothing could ready him for what Dipper had in store.

Dipper walked deep into the maze of cement corridors, this made will slightly claustrophobic, he hated these hallways. They were damp, cold. And they smelled oddly. Dipper walked down and opened a door, one Will had never seen before.

Inside was a sitting room, multiple couches and chairs littered the room. He blinked, in the center was a coffee table. Dipper walked in and hung his coat on a coat rack next to the door. He walked over and sat in a chair on one side of the table.

Will stood by the door awkwardly.

"What are you waiting for? Sit down already." Will jumped and walked over, sitting in a chair near Dipper's but was not directly beside it. They sat silently, Will was very confused and very fearful. Dipper noticed this and sighed.

"Will, come, sit here." He motioned a chair right beside him. Will gulped and walked over, sitting in the specified chair. Dipper observed Will's face, noticing the slight red mark on his cheek from where mabel hasd slapped him.

"What was that for?" Will jumped and looked up.

"Oh. St-stuttering and mumbling." Both things of which he did just then. Dipper studied the mark and for a moment Will thought he seen anger in his eyes.

"I see...well, how was your first day back?" Will blinked a bit.

" was, okay." Dipper nodded and once again they sat in awkward silence, Dipper mentally cursed Pacifica. Why would she give him this stupid advice? He sighed lightly and looked back at Will, his eyes once again scanning his face.

"Will, I would like to try something." Will looked at him.

"u-um...alright..." Will looked down a bit, he felt a warm hand guide his cheek up and stared confused, until a warm pair of lips lightly pressed against his own, a warm feeling went through his stomach as his eyes went wide and he blinked. Dipper slowly pulled away and hummed in thought, Will's face was a light pink.


"Dammit, I was hoping it wasn't true." Will cocked his head a bit. Dipper looked at him.

"Will Cipher, I've got feelings for you."

Night guys, enjoy.

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