Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 5: Secrets

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I need another story

Something to get off my chest

My life gets kinda boring

Need something that I can confess

'Til all my sleeves are stained red

From all the truth that I've said

Come by it honestly I swear

Thought you saw me wink, no

I've been on the brink, so

Tell me what you want to hear

Something that delight those ears

Sick of all the insincere

I'm gonna give all my secrets away

This time, don't need another perfect lie

Don't care if critics ever jump in line

I'm gonna give all my secrets away-

Secrets-One Republic

Bella's POV:

I've heard the saying be careful what you wish for, but it wasn't until I watched Edward run out of the classroom that I actually understood what that statement meant. I wanted him to be jealous. I wanted him to be closer with me. But as I saw him disappear, my heart sunk to the bottom of my stomach like a ship's anchor heading to the bottom of an ocean. I didn't want him to leave; I just wanted him to know that he could be close with me and not hurt me. I was scared. I felt like I did when Edward left me a while back. I didn't know where he went and I was afraid he wasn't coming back. But as I walked out of the classroom and into the hall, the wave of sadness which had washed all over me was becoming replaced with a sense of anger. It felt like the eye before the storm. Edward promised me he would never but he just did. He left without telling me where he was going. I was the one who should be angry, because he wouldn't touch me. I had the right to be angry and frustrated. I just talked to Mike and Jacob; Edward didn't need to get upset. I clenched my fists as my heart began to beat fast like a bass drum. Why did Edward have to be so stubborn? Why couldn't he just kiss me like a normal boyfriend? I sighed to myself trying to keep my anger from erupting like a volcano. I knew if I tried to find Edward he would give me another lecture regarding why having sex would be dangerous and pointless. I knew even with how jealous he was, he wouldn't change. So instead of going to my next class, I decided I would head to La Push. Maybe if I pushed Edward a little further he would get the idea and finally be close with me or better yet actually kiss me.

I was just about to exit my school when I saw Alice and Jasper leaning against their lockers.

"Where are you going Bella?" Alice asked as I noticed Jasper trying to calm my wild emotions.

"Trying to get this plan to work." I answered as I described to Alice what had happened earlier with Edward.

"Don't worry Bella, he didn't leave you, he just needed some time to calm down and hunt." Alice explained.

Even though I was mad, I sighed with relief. I didn't know what I would do if Edward left again. I knew this time I would not be able to stitch my heart up again.

"Edward's normally a very jealous person, he must be working quite hard to calm his emotions and not give in to your wishes." Jasper mentioned.

"Well I figured the only option I have now is to push this plan into full gear. I'm hoping in order to change Edward; I have to make him even more jealous. So I'm heading to Jacob's." I said.

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