Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 3: The Dog Days Are Over

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Happiness / hit her / like a train on a tra-ck

Coming towards her / stuck still / no turning ba-ck

She hid around corners / and she hid under beds /

She killed it with kisses and from it she fl-ed /

With e-very bubble she sank with a drink /

And wa-shed it away down the kitchen sink.

The dog days are over

The dog days are done

The horses are comin' so you better run

Run fast for your mother; run fast for your father /

Run for your children all your sisters and brothers /

Leave all your love and your longing behind.

You can't carry it with you / if you want to survive

Florence And The Machine- The Dog Days Are Over

Bella's POV

I looked out the window, then I looked at the small hand of the clock slowly walk around the big hand. School ended at 3:00pm and it was 2:55pm. Although I should have been paying attention to Mr. Carter, the history teacher, I just couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about Edward and how I wish he would just let us be closer. All I wanted was to be with him and tell him how much I loved him. I was anxious and excited about going shopping with Alice. Normally I hated shopping. I hated shopping as much as the wolves hated vampires. But it seemed as though Alice knew what she was doing and at this point, I think I wanted all the help I could get to change Edward's mind about sex. So guess who was eagerly waiting for me in front of my class as soon as the bell ran? Alice! I think she thought it was Christmas or my birthday. She had a huge smile on her face and her eyes held excitement.

"C'mon Bella can you walk any slower? We need all the time we can get at the mall because we are not leaving until we find at least one thing." Alice said as soon as I met up with her in the hall.

"I already told Jasper I wouldn't be around tonight, so we won't be interrupted." Alice explained as we walked to her Porsche and started driving to an outside mall which had a lot of stores.

"Are you sure this is going to work? You know how much I hate shopping and clothes..." I said looking down at my plain jeans and sweater, which I was quite content with.

"Oh I know this will work Bella but aren't you excited we are actually going to look at nice clothes unlike the baggy material you are currently wearing." Alice said smirking.

"Thank goodness you have Alice Cullen to help you!" She exclaimed as we arrived at the outdoor mall.

"Yeah thank goodness." I said sarcastically.

"Hey, I wouldn't be mean to me; you do realize I have sharp teeth." Alice said smiling as she growled.

I laughed. Maybe it would do me good to be out with Alice. She was like the sister I never had. She was a lot of fun and wasn't afraid of joking around.

But as soon as I saw where we were headed first, I totally changed my mind.

"Alice I did not agree to this at all!" I said stopping dead in my tracks as soon as we came to Victoria's Secret.

"Don't you want Edward?" Alice asked.

I blushed and nodded my head.

"Then come with me, don't worry Bella I think you will live." She said pushing me into the store, obviously enjoying every minute she could to humiliate and embarrass me. Like I said she was like the sister I never had.

Girls Just Want to Have Fun(Twilight Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin