Girls Just Want to Have Fun Chapter 11: Who Says

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Who says you're not perfect

Who says you're not worth it

Who says you're the only one that's hurting

Trust me

That's the price of beauty

Who says you're not pretty

Who says you're not beautiful

Who says- Who Says Selena Gomez

Edward's POV:

I was pacing back and forth in my room staring at the small clock on my end table, hoping the numbers would read 7:30 a.m instead of 6:30 a.m. I could not wait to pick Bella up for school and I knew she was always ready by 7:30 a.m. Ever since the night before, I could not get her out of my mind. I was so stupid to think I would hurt Bella during sex because I could not believe how good and pleasurable it felt to be with her. I could not go back to not having sex I just had to have it, especially with Bella. All night I was craving her sweet smell and taste. I wanted her so bad, I was even tempted to go over to her house so I could have her, but I did not want Charlie to find us. 

 I glanced out the window and was happy to see that the clouds had made a home within the sky. I looked at the clock again it was 6:35, I sighed. I just wanted to pick up Bella, skip school and get my satisfaction. I think I would go crazy if I did not see her soon, my body ached and my man hood throbbed for Bella. However to my disbelieve I felt my skin started to sparkle and then I turned around to see the sun shining like a star in the sky. Damn it! I said to myself, now there was no way I could see Bella. I sighed in frustration; I didn't know how I could go a day without seeing my beautiful Bella. It was times like these I hated being a vampire. All of a sudden my Blackberry vibrated, it was Bella calling.

"Hey Love how was your sleep?" I asked, happy to hear her sweet, delicate voice.

"It was great thanks Edward, but I wish I was still sleeping and that the sun shining outside was just a figment of my imagination. I guess I won't be seeing you today at school then?" Bella said sounding very sad and depressed.

"I know Bella, I wish the sun wasn't out either but I think my sparkles would attract a lot of attention, but I promise if it is cloudy after school I will come see you." I said feeling terrible that I couldn't see my Bella.

"Thanks Edward I would love that, I hope you have a good day. I love you." She said.

"I love you too my Love, and I hope you will think of me touching you all of your body especially your breasts. Today since I can't be there, I want you to imagine me being inside you, thrusting harder and harder." I said almost turning myself on as I started to imagine the scene which was developing in my head.

"Oh Edward! Stop that! You are going to turn me on before I have to go to school!" Bella cried out.

"Well good Bella that was the plan! Now be a good student and go to school, I don't think I will miss much since I have been in high school  more times than I can count." I said chuckling and with that she hung up.

"Damn it, thanks sun for ruining my day!" I cried out to myself as I cursed at the sun. Now I just hoped the sun would go away by this afternoon so I could see Bella. I was so frustrated. I walked out of my room and went downstairs.

"Looks like someone is hungry for something other than food." Emmett laughed as I walked into him on my way to the kitchen.

"I don't know what you are talking about Emmett." I said.

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