Chapter 3: A Story I Don't Want

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The three witches sat in front of me and stared into space without looking even towards my direction.

“What kind of problem?” Gundestrup asked.

“Well, as we don’t know her or her past not present.” Said Praesens.

“We didn’t know what story to give her and we all started thinking about the best kind of story.”Said Postremo.

“But we couldn’t agree on anything.” Said Praeteritus.

“So,” They said simultaneously, “We each made one up and it’s up to you which one become your own.” They said.

Gundestrup and I both fell silent, I could feel the anger growing inside of me and I could feel it radiating from Gundestrups body as well.

“I’m not a toy!” I yelled. “You can’t just decide that I get three stories and act like it’s a game or a bet or something!” I said as I jumped up and started pacing through the room.

“Ah!” Praesens and Praeteritus said.

“What?!” I asked in a bitchy snappy tone.

“We can see you.” They said, I stopped pacing.

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“It means that you are following the story already.” All three of them said.

“But I’m not doing anything how could I be following a story when I don’t even want it? and which story would I be following?” I asked.

“for now all three of them as they all begin the same, it is only a matter of time until you find the three path’s for each different story.” They said.

“I won’t stand for this.” Gundestrup said in a cold firm voice.

“We knew you would react this way.” They said. “So we decided that you could make a story for her as well, you can give her a fourth path but are never allowed to tell her about it, and to make sure you don’t, we already put a spell on you.” The three of them smirked, it looked superbly creepy.

“I can make up a story?” Gundestrup asked more curious then I would have expected.

“Yes.” They answered.

“Fine then. I’ll do it.” He said.

“Your Excellency!” I exclaimed.

“Sorry Josephine, I have to do this, I can actually help you if you chose my path.” He said and I felt reassured. He was doing this to help me, I might get a storyteller path and go on with my life as I wanted to.

“But how do I choose a path?” I asked.

“You chose a path by living, by now you should have met at least one of the other main characters already, we sent him to you so you should have started out. The choices you make will influence the story, they will send you to the path you have to take, but chose carefully, once you’ve chosen your path there is no turning back.” They explained.

“I met someone already?” I asked softly, more to myself than anyone else. The dragon. He popped into my head, they sent a dragon as a part of my story?

“A dragon?” Postremo asked. She already knew what I was going to ask. “I don’t think we sent a dragon here… he must be from a different story, at least, he might be, well I can’t be sure, we made the decisions in the past so I wouldn’t know.”

“I don’t recall a dragon though one of the characters might have turned into a dragon as we created them, well we can’t do anything for you anymore, go out into the world and find all path’s!” Praesens said and commanded me to walk away and out of the library.

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