Chapter 13: Whose the Culprit?

Comenzar desde el principio

"Come on!" He said. Tugging on my hand with a smile on his face.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just wait and see."


We drove and drove until we stopped on our destination. I wasn't quite shocked or happy to see our destination. Nor was I mad. All I felt was 'oh! Really? The school.'

"What are we gonna do here?" I asked.

"Just wait. You'll see." Jace said.

I sensed that he was slightly annoyed. So I let the matter go and just followed him go inside the building.

We held hands as we passed the hallway. We stopped by the cafteria. We got a tub of Ice cream from the freezer and took out two spoons.

We left the cafeteria and passed every single locker the school had. Passing one wing through the other.

We started walking up the stairs until we reached the fifth floor. Just when I saw the blossoming flowers and the smell of fresh Stargazers just smelled so delicate. I knew instantly where we were. Thats when I let out a smile. We were in the school terrace.

The place we first said we loved each other.

Jace must have sensed the smile that I gave out, cause he let out a side smile as turned his gaze towards me. His fingers laced mine and I stared down at them. This is just perfect. Suddenly, I forgot all about my stress. All I thought about was... Jace and us.

We walked up the balcony. Jace laid out a sheet that, I guessed, we were supposed to sit on. He nicely laid it on the ground and after that, sat on top of it. He reached his arms out to call me over.

I felt the smile that I had been keeping just slowly come out and reveal itself. I held his hand and he pulled me closer as I sat down between him. His arms wrapped around me,as I felt his face on my shoulder. He kissed my neck, then just wrap his arms around me.

The warmth of his body calmed me. The romantic scene was topped with the cool breeze of september.


By this time I was shoveling spoonful of Ice cream inside my mouth. Jace couldn't help but laugh at me. His Native American face that was slightly tan-ish did that cute slits of his wrinkled eyes from laughing. His deep, brown eyes were being covered completely.

We played around with Ice cream and enjoyed our night for ourselves. We talked about the experiences we've had together. The time when he saved me from the zombie. I told him how his Native American heritage spoke so loud, that just by looking at his bad boy look, you'd sense the danger that he was capable of doing if you made him mad.

"Your dangerous looking." I said teasingly.

"Am not!" He said smiling.

I laughed out loud, as I stood. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me down closer to his face.

I saw his eyes just stare at my face with love.

I cupped my hands on his cheek as I gave him the softest of kisses on his lips. When are lips parted, our faces were still close to each other. He paced my face wih his eyes and I just felt the butterflies inside my stomach electrify me.

The sparks I felt when I first found out I liked him just started coming back and just closed over my body. Suddenly, I felt weak.

He moved his lips closer. Again and again we were kissing. His lips moved smoothly and softly, charming me into his spell.

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