2:30 am rants

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Most people think the depressed are the withdrawn, the quite, the ones who never laugh or smile. This is partially true, however, this is partially very very wrong. For one, I feel like depression is different for everyone because of the fact that people have so many different reasons to be depressed and so many different triggers. Contradicularly there's also sometimes no exact cause for depression there's no exact reason other than a chemical imbalance as to why that person is sad, they just are. You don't understand until you do and you should hope you never can. I think the three things that get me the most is one, when people tell me to get over it or that they know what I'm going through. Everyone comes to this place because of different reasons, has different triggers, and goes through and experiences it differently. You may relate some what but it's arrogant to believe you know my pain, you know yours and you know that it hurts but do not insult me by saying that you know mine. It's also unbelievably  ignorant to tell me to get over something I have no control over. If I had choice to be happy or constantly sad why would I ever choose to be unhappy? Telling me to get over what is literally a chemical imbalance is the most ignorant thing a person could say. Secondly I find that too often people scoff at people who are outwardly depressed and/or have self harm scars and that these people are too often called attention whores. Not all people do this for attention and some people do. In all honesty whether they are seeking attention or not it doesn't matter. Everyone deserves attention, everyone deserves to feel like they are worried about when they aren't in a good place, everyone deserves to feel like they mean something. They could want no attention and try to hide wanting people to ignore it if they see anything and want nothing to do with any form of help. They're soul purpose could be for attention because they could feel forgotten and want someone to notice they are not okay and notice this "call out for help". No matter what it is, it is such a pack mentality and petty thing to do to laugh at something you have no understanding of and make that person feel smaller than they already do. Thirdly, there is a huge difference between it being okay to not be okay and believing it to be cool to not be okay. Mental disorders and chemical imbalances is not a trend and never should be. I feel like I see too much of people talking about their forms of anxiety or depression or other mental illness then totally contradicting themselves with their actions that would be highly uncomfortable for someone who truly did have that mental disorder. I don't really understand why anyone would want people to believe they have a mental disorder because they aren't a joke. They're serious and affect people's daily lives and sometimes even affect a person's thought on their quality of life, it's not a fun or trendy thing. With that being said on the flip side we are only human and we are flawed. We live in a world now a days were people are so easily offended by a what they assume to be an intentionally rude comment or something that does not go along with what they believe to be true. A lot of people may not understand you or what you are going through and could very well not know the depth of they're words because they do not understand and that will happen in life but you don't have to get so worked up about it rather than showing maturity and explaining what and how that offended you have and have a calm mannered discussion about it. Now with that, this person could still see no reason as to why what they said or commented in your eyes shouldn't be said and this is also okay a difference in opinion does not have to result to anger or categorizing this other person. You should be able to have a conversation about your differences in opinion, maybe try to convince the person that you're right and if they don't see it your way you should be able to agree to disagree and move onto another subject of conversation without any angered or hurt feelings because that is communication and communication is important along with semantics and being tactful. Another thing that bothers me is when people put someone down who is sad for a reason they think is unimportant. It's okay to cry over the little things because though some people may have it a lot worse or even you your self have had it a lot worse your pain is real and it hurts and you still get to mourn and/or be sad with what you lost and/or what's happening with you. There's so many other things that I feel like are wrong with the world and probably always have been and probably always will be that could be so simply but unrealistically solved which is the sad unfortunate truth, but just because they're will most likely never be a Utopia doesn't mean you shouldn't try and become a better person which I feel like a lot of people don't truly do. These are just my opinions though and by no means are you obliged to agree with them.

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