Dear Friend

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I match your scars with mine and try to be an embrace of assurance without scaring you away. I attempt to poise my words realistically and not sound like a Shakespearean drama but I do not know how because my feelings are an ocean and I am trying to talk like a river. My dear friend you are a soldier, I see it as we laugh and even while I hold your head in my lap and you cry. Though your language is with harsh tones you are incredibly selfless and I admire your heart. A laugh as sporadic and wanted as the wind, your spirit just as free but dismally caged. Your grace is that of ocean waves and watching you express yourself brings to me the proudness of a mother. As I listen to the path you have traveled and all your thoughts I wish to comfort you but fear you are inconsolable. And to say what is in my head feels weird and too obsessive but to speak in the way others do is not interminable enough. Though while we have had differences you are one of my truest friends and have seen the world in many ways the same as I. I appreciate your existence, your interest in being here for me, and unique personality. My dear friend I want you to know your beauty radiates from deep within out in all forms and aspects, and I am always here at all times of day even in the midst of annoyance in hopes to be what you need.

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