Chapter 39

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I wiped my tears and followed Dylan.

As I was going down the stairs, I heard his office door close.

With determination I walked to his office and walked in without bothering to knock.

"Katherine please. Let's save ourselves any more unpleasantness and just go back to bed," he said.

"No. You've had your say, and now I'll have mine."

He glared at me.

"You're right. I've failed you. I've hurt you. I've betrayed you. But you have to know that it is my love for you that drives me. You said that you won't survive it if something were to happen to me, then you must understand that that's how I feel about you..." I raised my hand to stop him from speaking. "I'm not finished," I said.

He shut his mouth, but not before I saw the corners of his mouth twitch with amusement.

"You're right. We're stronger together than we are apart," I said.

I walked towards him, and when I was close to him, I raised my hand to cup his cheek. "You will never have to wonder again, how many more times I will choose to leave you, because I am yours and I'm not going anywhere. I promise to do better. To share with you my fears and worries," I said earnestly. "So please... Please give me another chance. I will do better at loving you and letting you love me. I trust you, Dyl. It was me I didn't trust. I'm sorry I failed you..."

His face softened as he shook his head and pulled me closer. "You didn't fail me. You hurt me, but I understand."

"You once told me to come to you when I am in fear or when my doubts creep in, so here I am. I don't want to lose you, Dyl..." I whispered softly, as tears welled in my eyes.

"I will never leave you. I will never choose to leave you. I am yours," he said.

"He won't stop until he gets what he wants."

"And we won't stop until he's rotting in hell."

"He deserves that and far worse," I said.

He nodded, before pulling me into his arms.

"I'm really sorry I hurt you Dyl. You're right. I was being selfish. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you and I ran away again. Please tell me you forgive me?"

"I forgive you... if you have to run, run to me and not from me, okay?"

I nodded.

"Promise," I said, before pulling his head down for a kiss.


"So, I've been called down to Rio, there's an emergencyr at the site and I'm needed there," Damien said.

"How long will you be gone?" I asked.

"Just a few days, hopefully," he said.

"Okay. You're taking security with you, right?"

"Raphael is coming with me, the rest of security will stay. That fucking animal can't get to me in Rio. You need more me here. I hate to leave at a time like this, but..."

"Dami, its fine. We'll be fine."

"Call me if you need me, and I'll get on the plane back right away."

"Thanks, but you're better off there, at least we know you're safe," I said.

"Fuck that. You honestly think I'd choose my safety over yours and the rest of our family?"

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