Chapter Twenty Three

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Tara's POV

Emma insisted that Xavier tuck her into bed today instead of me. I wasn't very happy about it but I didn't object. It's not that I'm not happy about the fact that my boyfriend treats my daughter with so much respect and love but I'm scared that someday he might realized it is too much and leave, breaking my daughter's heart alongside.

I sat in the balcony with my laptop and concentrate on work instead of the nudging feeling in my gut. Xavier left after Emma slept. I know he wanted to talk to me but I couldn't. I didn't want to tonight. I was all over my head and I didn't want to talk, or say something totally inappropriate that would create problems in our relationship.

After an hour or so I got up to go bed. I peaked in Emma's room to see sleeping peacefully. She looked so adorable and innocent, aware of all the complications of adulthood. I wish I could freeze the time, I don't want her grow up ever.

I changed into my night clothes and the novel I was currently reading. I made my way to the bed when I saw a little velvet box with a note tucked into it. I picked up the box and took the note out.

I opened the note and stared reading it.

You're a great mom and you're a hell of a good job at it. You don't have to worry always, you love her enough to protect her from everything that could ever hurt her but just to be clear I'm not going to hurt you or your little girl.

I'm not perfect at being a parent figure like you're but I'll try. With you by my side, I'll be just fine.

P.s. I've no idea what father child activities mean but I'll learn about it. Don't hate me.


I smiled and put the in the drawer of my nightstand. I opened the box and it had necklace in it with a little star and moon pendent. It was perfect, it was beautiful. It was a token of his faith in me and his request to have a little faith in him too.

I wore the necklace and texted him thank you. I'm still terrified but I get it now. He's terrified too, no one knows how to be a parent overnight, it takes time and patience. So if he can try so can I. I can try to be more open about this situation. I can try to look at things differently, after all Xavier has never hurt me in any way imagination. If anything he has always been supportive. If he can be scared and still want to do it, so can I.

The next at work I found Xavier searching about father children activities and he had taken all the information from Emma's teacher about what exactly they were going to today in this event. My heart swelled at the sight of how much he care about this and about my daughter.

I got dressed after dressing up Emma for her father's day celebration. She work extra energetic today and called Xavier the first thing in the morning wishing him happy father's day and she also called him Dad. I tried to skip past the Dad thing but it is hard and it is getting too complicated for my understanding. There are things about Emma's real father that Xavier is unaware of and I'm not sure if I want to tell him yet but him being a father to Emma and letting her call him Dad is making it incredibly difficult for me.

Xavier was going to come and pick us up so I put up a nice smile and decided not to dwell in the past today. Today is my daughter's day of joy and I'm not going to ruin my bringing up the misfortune past.

We drove to Emma's school and she kept talking about how she's going to tell all her friends about his dad and how happy they all would be.

As soon as we reached her school, she dragged Xavier for show and tell. Although he had a big smile throughout I could tell he was nervous, honestly so was I. This was the first time I'm publically with Xavier and Emma as a family and knowing Xavier's reputation I'm sure there'll be certain comments along the way.

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