Chapter Ten

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Tara's POV

We're leaving today for good. I got dressed in a black stripes shirt with navy blue shorts. The boxes were getting loaded and I stood in my empty room looking at how my whole life is packed and ready to go. I have so busy that the idea that I'm actually leaving didn't sink in until now.

I'm leaving everything behind and starting something new for myself and for Emma. She's Dad but excited that Xavier is going to there with us. She has gotten pretty attached to him in the past couple of days and I don't like it. I don't know what is going to happen in the future and the last I want is for my daughter to get hurt. I want to keep her away from Xavier but she's a kid and rather a stubborn one who loves making friends and cares alot about them.

"Mommy let's go" Emma yelled from Jessica's lap. 

"Yes baby. Now can you please go and watch if they're keeping our boxes safely from the balcony while I talk to Jess."

Jessica put her down and she ran to my room's balcony.

"What's up?" Jessica asked

I looked at her sighed. I took out the house key from my bunch of keys and gave it to her "Here. It's yours now"

"You do know that you can come to me anytime? You don't have to do this."

"I know I can and I did, remember? Four years ago I came to your doorstep with Emma and you took us in. You've done so much for me and I'm ever so grateful. You've given up so much for me and for Emma. You practically paused your life to help me raise Emma and for that I owe you my life but now I want you to live your life. I want you have every ounce of happiness you deserve. I'm asking you to live your life minus the responsibilities minus the worries of me or Emma. You've given me so much support throughout the years and now it's my time. I want you to get and do everything you always wanted to do and I'm going to be there maybe not physically but spiritually, ofcourse. You know how you always keep saying that I can come to you anytime but this time I want to say it and I mean it with all my heart, if ever you need me or anything, you can always come to me. I'll be there." By the time I finished we both were crying.

She is just like my sister. I love her so much and it sucks that I've to leave. "I've never for once regretted taking care of you or Emma. I love you both so much and there's nothing in the world that's going to undo that. Yes I paused my life for a while but every minute of that time was worth. You guys are my family and I'm going to miss you too so much"

We hugged each other and cried until it became awkward.

We got into the car and the whole ride was Emma and Jess talking about different things, things she's gonna miss in New York and promised her that she'll call her everyday. We reached the airport and got off the car. We unloaded the luggage and made our way towards the entry gate.

"So I guess it's time for a goodbye now" Jess said

"Yes. I'll miss you Jess, take care of yourself and I'll call you regularly"

"I'll miss you guys too. I love you both so much"

"I will miss-s you-u" Emma said in between her sobs

Jess kneed to her level wiping her tears "Don't cry little woman. I'm gonna miss you too but don't worry, I'll come and visit you"

"I love you Jess"

"I love you too mummy and daughter"

I gave her a slight smile and hugged each other, she smiled at me and gave me a slight nod and left. I searched and found my team members standing there waiting. Except for Julia no one knows about Emma so I guess now they'll finally know.

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