15. Memories

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After having some rest or rolling on the bed to be precise. I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat, forgot that Lady Anna wasn't here. When hash browns and apple pancakes were prepared, I went to Adam's room to call him. He was sitting on the floor near the window with his back facing me.

"What are you doing?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows while he cocked his head in alarm.

"N-nothing, why did you come here?" His voice showed there was something.

"What are you hiding?" I asked in a clipped tone.

"Nothing, knock before you enter someone's room." He stood with his hands folded back, trying to hide something behind him.

"What is it, Adam?" With each of my questions, I was taking a step towards him.

"I don't have anything, now leave." He panicked when I get closer.

I bend above him to look at what was he hiding behind him and saw a little bird wrapped in bandages. I started scolding him whilst he was defending himself. He always brings one or the other animal to the home. First was a rabbit which I gave to a pet shop, he wasn't taking care of it. Next was three chicks which became the food of a stray cat and now a bird.

"Where did you get it? And what's with all those bandages?" I asked.

"I found it injured in our garden." He said still holding the bird in his hands. I looked at the bird carefully, he tied those bandages too tight that its lungs may burst out of the air. I asked him to remove them and without any question, he did what I asked.

Now he'll please me to keep it.

"I'll put it back in its nest when it's fine. But where will it stay till then? You know how dangerous the outside world is." He was saying each word dramatically.

"The bird won't be accepted if you put it back in its nest. You can keep it." I don't like animals.

"But why will it not be accepted?" He was happy though.

"They can sense human smell. For their safety, they'll not allow any bird who has been touched by a human." I said and turned to leave. "Come for dinner and do not bring it in my room."

We had our dinner and went to sleep. There was one thing in my mind 'The party'. I don't know how it's going to be, who will be coming, with whom I am going to meet. With these thoughts, I slept.


The next day, the college went on as usual. Jeal asked if we can meet at Jacob's place today for practice, neither his mother nor I was free. I didn't mention my 'busyness'. His mother was enough to postpone this meeting. I felt a little bad, she asked something for the first time but we're not able to accept it. So, I made a promise to practice tomorrow.

I picked Adam from school on time and we got home. When I asked uncle Willson about the party he said one of our business partner's company reached its goal. He's throwing the party to express his gratitude. He'll be coming to pick me up at 9'O clock. I am not allowed to go alone. Pondering on the question of what clothes to wear to the party and found none. I don't have any party wear. My wardrobe was filled with all casuals. I ordered a black silk dress covering my knees with full sleeves of net reaching fingers and a hole for the thumb. I clicked on quick delivery which says it will be delivered in 2 hours and went for a bath. After having a long bath, I dressed in shorts and a shirt. Our doorbell rang. Who might be at this time? When I opened the door saw Lady Anna. She always arrives at the right time. I was worried about Adam, where to drop him until I attend the party and here she is. When I asked the reason behind her going, she said her sister was moving her house so she went to help her.

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