08. Chemistry practical

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NoteThis chapter is the continuation of the previous one.



I sat there thinking about tomorrow's chemistry practical then glance at Loren. He was busy reading or seeing whatever he was doing with the file.

I can ask him. He is my chemistry teacher after all.

I walked towards him slowing, not in a disturbing manner. Without me uttering a word he asked.

"What is it, Miss. Troustkey?" His eyes were fixed on the file.

"I-well. Would you mind helping me a little?" I asked nervously.

Why am I stammering?

He did not respond to my words. I cleared my throat to gain his attention and spoke again.

"Will you help me a little? If you have finished looking at the file." I asked him courtly.

"Correct your sentence." He said nonchalantly with his eyes still fixed on the file.

What's wrong with my sentence?

Ohh! You!

"Will you help me a little, if you have finished looking at the file. Sir" I corrected stressing the word 'sir'.

"Sure." He stood up and closed the file, turning his head to face me with 'what help?' look on his face.

"For tomorrow's chemistry practical," I said each word slowly.

"Get a book and a pen." He walked towards the sofa and sat on it.

I did what he asked for. Took a book a pen and sat beside him. He kept the opened book between us and wrote some Alphabets and numbers as a base to it. And asked.

"What is this?"

"A chemical formula," I answered.


"I don't know."

He sighed in disbelief and wrote 30 elements and their formulas.

"Learn them. Now."

"But why? I don't want to learn this. I want you to tell me about tomorrow's practical not this basics." I protested.

"I am your sir. Not vice versa." He said coldly, making me obey his command.

Half an hour passed and I wasn't able to remember any of these words.

I should try some tricks to remember it.

Within 10-12 minutes, I learned all of these names and their formula.

"Completed sir," I exclaimed. This time I didn't mind calling him sir.

He took the book and asked me to say.

"H He Li B BeC...............Fe Co Ni CuZn" I ended up saying all formulas in a single tone.

"What language did you speak Miss. Troustkey?" He asked, quirking his eyebrow.

"Chemistry sir," I said smiling.

"You used your thick head." his lips turned into a little smirk.

"I don't have a thick head." My smile washed off and I sat frowningly.

This continued for a while which made me feel sleepy. I went to the washroom to wash my face and kept the bag in the cupboard that I brought along. After washing my face, I ordered a cup of coffee. Not a cup, but two for both of us and sat again.

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